Bye bye MG....

[TW]Fox;15160178 said:
The weird thing is that every time in the past year somebody has said about the car being bent you've always 'just had it jigged'. It must have been jigged about 6 times now going by what you've said on here :eek:

A lot of people were giving me hassle (hard to believe on this forum I know! :p) and so I had to keep repeating myself in various threads. I was told when repaired from the original accident it was jigged (if it was evidently not properly) But after a year of driving it started doing driveshafts like no tomorrow so had it jigged properly and car was fine after that.
A lot of people were giving me hassle (hard to believe on this forum I know! :p) and so I had to keep repeating myself in various threads. I was told when repaired from the original accident it was jigged (if it was evidently not properly) But after a year of driving it started doing driveshafts like no tomorrow so had it jigged properly and car was fine after that.

That still doesn't explain you dropping it off to be jigged in June 2009 though does it.

See why I might be a bit concerned/not believe you? It's been jigged at least three different times according to your various threads.
That still doesn't explain you dropping it off to be jigged in June 2009 though does it.

See why I might be a bit concerned/not believe you? It's been jigged at least three different times according to your various threads.

It originally came off the road in June mate, and was off the road for 3 months. In and out of various work shops, having this and that done to it. The end result was great but now all for nothing /sigh/

Like I said I don't need to prove or disprove anything, end fact was the car was perfectly straight. Can probably even find and scan in an alignment thingy when I had it done to show its bang on.
Shame it was due to some **** in a 206 though and not the problems the car has/had (whatever you seem to think about it). May have taught you to drive more sensible if it was hedged (ideally with no injuries to anyone mind :) )

On a less harsh note, is a shame and quite an impressive amount of damage...looking at the pictures it's quite busy (may just be due to the fact there are two wrecked cars in the road :p) so can't see how/why the 206 was doing enough to do that much damage.

Can't see you being able to insure something like this again for a while though...granted claim isn't on your insurance, still really won't help the premiums for you.
[TW]Fox;15160097 said:
Now why doesn't that suprise me :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

If you had just had your pride and joy ruined by someone else's negligence are you seriously telling me you wouldn't want to be looking at getting a cheque in the region of £2,000/£3,000 to help? Yes in the ideal world no one would ever claim for PI after a car accident and insurance premiums would be lower, but they do. So when something as unfortunate as this happens, you might as well make the system work for you.

Obviously i'm not advocating the "etc." part of the OP's post. But as long as no fraudulent claims are made and the OP has medical reports conducted that state he has suffered soft tissue damage then he is entitled to compensation. Everyone can sit here and take the moral high ground and spout rhetoric about the "compo culture" but it would be very interesting how long people's morals would last when the tables were turned.
That's a fair amount of damage, any idea how fast the 206 was going?

If you do end up breaking the car for parts I may be interested in a few bits for my ZS so will be keeping on eye out for your decision.

Best of luck finding another one, was a right pain finding one with decent history when I was looking, although I guess that isn't too much of an issue if you are going to swap engines.
If you had just had your pride and joy ruined by someone else's negligence are you seriously telling me you wouldn't want to be looking at getting a cheque in the region of £2,000/£3,000 to help? Yes in the ideal world no one would ever claim for PI after a car accident and insurance premiums would be lower, but they do. So when something as unfortunate as this happens, you might as well make the system work for you.

Obviously i'm not advocating the "etc." part of the OP's post. But as long as no fraudulent claims are made and the OP has medical reports conducted that state he has suffered soft tissue damage then he is entitled to compensation. Everyone can sit here and take the moral high ground and spout rhetoric about the "compo culture" but it would be very interesting how long people's morals would last when the tables were turned.

Ah the oldest excuse in the book "Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I". When a girl went into the back of my Skyline at 30 when I was stationary I had pain in my hip of all places for the next year but I never claimed, sometimes these things just happen.

To the OP, you got the MG jigged? Surely that would have cost far far more than the worth of the car, unless you knew someone in the trade and they owed you a massive favour?
Ah the oldest excuse in the book "Everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I". When a girl went into the back of my Skyline at 30 when I was stationary I had pain in my hip of all places for the next year but I never claimed, sometimes these things just happen.

Fair enough, personally I would rather have had the 4 figure cheque.
To be fair on phate, apart from the damage to the back, the car still looks pretty straight to me, and it looks like quite a heavy impact, chassis is bent on rear right corner. Had it not been jigged, surely there would have been signs of stresses in the rest of the body, but no, it still looks nice and straight.

Also, i'm sorry, but i'd also looking at getting as much back as i could to replace my pride and joy, even if that includes compensation, because you just know the insurance won't pay full whack out for a like for like replacement.

Hope you sort it out Phate.
Unless you're out of pocket by a 4 figure amount, is that really fair?

Yes. If you are injured and suffer due someone elses negligence it's only fair that you be compensated. The only suitable form of compensation is money.

For example (an extreme one I admit), you're drivng to work when some idiot drives into you. As a result of the collision you need to have both your legs amputated. Would you claim solely for material losses, i.e. your car and loss of earnings until you were fit to work again?

Don't forget that what may appear to be a relatively minor injury sustained in a crash can cause severe future health problems.
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