Caffeine Detox Time

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2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
It's that time of year again to come off the hard stuff. I've done in a few times in the past and really enjoyed how I felt caffeine free. I'm hoping I can stay strong this time and not slip back into old habits.

Anyone else cut out caffeine recently?
I didn't know caffeine detox was a thing? (sorry!). I thought for most it was booze people were trying to cut.

How much coffee does someone have to drink to need a detox from it?
I didn't know caffeine detox was a thing? (sorry!). I thought for most it was booze people were trying to cut.

How much coffee does someone have to drink to need a detox from it?

I'm not sure there is an exact amount. I'm quite sensitivity to caffeine so even 1 strong coffee is enough to make me feel energised, tense, slightly anxious, affect mood, etc, etc.

Caffeine is addictive and you build a tolerance. So even a detox for the purposes of feeling the full effects of caffeine again is a good idea.
I tend to cut right down every so often, as a sort of reset.

I slip into the habit of having 4 or 5 a day, which isn't a problem most of the time, but I find it annoying to have to keep topping up when I'm out and about at weekends or on holidays, so trim it to one at breakfast... until it creeps up again.
Caffeine is addictive and you build a tolerance. So even a detox for the purposes of feeling the full effects of caffeine again is a good idea.

I've done this a few times in preparation for endurance races where it helps to get the full effect. It only takes 3-4 days to get over any addiction to caffiene.
Best of luck with the detox - I've given up coffee (my only known source of caffeine) a few times before - and switched to water, which was great; but one sniff of a Costa, and I'm back to dreaming of that lovely brown drink :) Sorry, I'm probably not helping.

I don't drink huge amounts of coffee, 3-4 cups a day, but can't say I notice any boosts in my mood or energy; even drinking it late (a meal out etc) doesn't affect my sleep. Maybe I have grown a higher tolerance.

anyway, best of luck fella!
I've cut down on coffee and have substituted with Matcha Green Tea powder.

Granted I do still have the occasional coffee, I'm probably having 2 at most a week as opposed to previously having 1-2 cups a day.

Also cut down on dairy products since the start of the year and I do feel better.
I've gone from having about 4 coffees and 8 cans of redbull a day to just having the one coffee with breakfast.
Used to have all sorts of weird chest feelings so decided it was time to cut back. No need to cut it all out just don't go silly.
Not really a detox either just stopping drinking it.
Used to have that too when I had too many energy drinks, have cut down almost completely on those now and never had those pains since.
Very very rare I have an energy drink these days, and even then it's because I like the taste not the caffeine.

Would never go without my morning coffee though, why cut things out completely if you like them.
Used to drink 2-4 cups of coffee a day.
Recently read book “Why we sleep” by Matthew Walker. Very interesting and he mentiones the effect coffee have on sleep, pretty bad.
So limiting my coffee to 1-2 a day, nothing after lunch.
Try just doing 5/2 with it and never after noon.

I love coffee but it's never a good idea to drink it every day for long periods, it increases cortisol at rest which over months/years can really mess you up as it's essentially recreating stress conditions on a daily basis.
Have done this myself this year, I normally don't bother with New Years Resolutions, but thought I'd give it a go.
Was never addicted to coffee but do enjoy them as I like a hot drink, but will be going from 3-4 coffee's a day down to 1 good* coffee in the morning.

Rest of the day will be water like I used to when I was cycling! Keep at it buddy.

*Was bought a nice coffee set earlier last year with coffee's from around the world, cafetiere etc. so going to be using that instead of a quick mug of instant coffee.
Sort of, I've moved over to tea and cut out coffee to see what effect it has on my insides. Although I suspect that's partly due to over indulging at Christmas...
Very very rare I have an energy drink these days, and even then it's because I like the taste not the caffeine.

Would never go without my morning coffee though, why cut things out completely if you like them.

For me personally I relied way too much on coffee to stay awake which is not really ideal, so I figured if I can cut down on it and balance it out then great.
Not really though is it. That's like saying it's easy to go from one bowl of cereal to two then to three, well yes I suppose it is, bit I somehow manage.
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