Calibrating a lens

I took these this morning. A stray cat wandering into my garden. I think I oversharpened the middle photo as the eyes look a bit odd when really zoomed in. Overall, not bad I guess?



Yup that's the one I have.
It's heavy,but I can cope with it,kind of like exercise and photography roled into one so can't comment on the tripod need but I have found that it's better to be flexible with wildlife and tripods don't offer that.

If you look at flikr, search sonsofalchal (user name)
All my plane and animal shots are with that lense to give you an idea.
Yup that's the one I have.
It's heavy,but I can cope with it,kind of like exercise and photography roled into one so can't comment on the tripod need but I have found that it's better to be flexible with wildlife and tripods don't offer that.

If you look at flikr, search sonsofalchal (user name)
All my plane and animal shots are with that lense to give you an idea.

I will have a look in a bit! :) Well I have to say, I'm a bit more impressed with my Tamron lens today than I was. Clearly, I needed to bring subjects closer as suggested earlier, so I moved the bird feeder to within 10 feet of my window. And clearly I needed as much sunlight as I can get. I finally managed to get a decent bird shot and only used 200mm. I've always had a long 1 x 1 piece of wood running across the bird table, so it fortunately acted as a perch above the feeders.
Took this at 200mm, f5.6 1/250th ISO 640

Is this a sparrow?

That's a really great shot,nice and sharp.
You will find a lot of lenses are not as sharp at the far end of the zoom especially if light is so so.

All about compromises really unless you are minted or a professional.

I would say so however despite my love for photographing birds I still struggle with recognition!
That's a really great shot,nice and sharp.
You will find a lot of lenses are not as sharp at the far end of the zoom especially if light is so so.

All about compromises really unless you are minted or a professional.

I would say so however despite my love for photographing birds I still struggle with recognition!

Thanks alchal!

Can you give me a tip please. There was some noise on the background. So I used the luminance slider which pretty much removed that, but in the process it slightly softened the bird. I couldn't get the radial filter bubble to only isolate the bird, so what would be the best way for background noise reduction without affecting the main subject?
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Thanks alchal!

Can you give me a tip please. There was some noise on the background. So I used the luminance slider which pretty much removed that, but in the process it slightly softened the bird. I couldn't get the radial filter bubble to only isolate the bird, so what would be the best way for background noise reduction without affecting the main subject?

No worries glad I could be of some help.

No idea is the answer,I normally de noise the lot(or not at all) and adjust highlights and shadows, so beyond my very limited capabilities at present I'm afraid.

Only thing i could suggest is try some sharpening I know when I use de noise by topaz labs it gives me a remove noise and sharpening option so I'd maybe try sharpening?

Not sure what program you use for noise control but I recommend de noise ,used it for a trial period and was impressed enough to purchase (when I get home)
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