Call of Duty 2015/Black Ops 3?

I've no idea what any of that means.

He's teasing us with design decisions going on about domination being unlimited time.

I'm confused where is the black ops 3 in this?

He is Treyarch's Game Designer Director. This information is more than likely related to the next CoD game due out from them next year.

Brian Tuey is also a sound guy a Treyarch.
Agreed @redstarriaot. Although blops2 was alright but ghosts was naff so in reality they're all just trying to flog a dead horse.
The best cod makers

With Blops 1 I'd agree but they went and ruined their reputation with Blops 2. Sure it was fun but it was unbalanced as hell and had lots of stupid things in like Tracker Sights, Instamelt Pistols, super easy QSing and god knows what else. Plus the maps in Blops 2 were mostly crap whereas they were awesome in Blops 1.
A graphically up-to-date COD4 please.


they must realise that the original modern warfare with updated gfx but the same maps and scorestreaks with maybe a little tweak made available on xbox store for 25 quid would prob be the best selling game ever at the moment on xbox one lol

i miss the 3 5 and 7 killstreak
Well according to a listing that was put up on Amazon by Activision we could also be seeing a Blops1+2HD remake for next gen out as well. But that may just be a mistake and it may just have been a placeholder for Blops3.
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