It's not ambiguous at all, the only reason there is any doubt is because it's something Activision would do and some moron has mentioned it on Reddit, I am 99% sure they will not require the IW disc to play, how would that even work if you buy digital?
Looks brilliant I must say. Used to play it loads, mostly with people on here I think.
Is Soulja still about? He was very good.
Yeah Soulja is still about, carrying my punk ass on cod
Yeah I'm still here
Fixed that for you
Well, you won't be happy unless your complaining anyway.
Oh, and stick to hardcore.
We should be able to easy. I'm getting it and I know pj and Deano are as well. Hopefully a few others will such as greboth and maybe even faded?
We should be able to easy. I'm getting it and I know pj and Deano are as well. Hopefully a few others will such as greboth and maybe even faded?