Ok so I have been out of COD games since MW2 and mates have recently got into this whole Blackout thing. (Never played any of the other battle royale style games so all new to me)
The games have moved on massively!
I have played a bunch of games (Solo's and quads etc) and I am just crap! I used to love setting my area in MW2, camping for a bit, capping some jabronies then getting bored and moving off etc. This one looks massively complex. Just getting used to the maps but I have like 3 kills in hours of play and struggling to get to grips with it.
I think I need more seat time but its rubbish when you think you're on a good one then get capped from range or someone just gets you with a better gun.
What are the go to weapons? How can I make sure I have some sort of armour? What the heck do you do with armour plates?! Whats the diff between a med kit and bog roll?
Any tips?
Any recommended ones? After more real world experience from you lot considering the amount of chat here!Read a guide
You need a team who talk really otherwise you struggle.
Thanks thats useful, I have no idea about the guns so will look for them. Never landed in Cargo - the ship is normally an interesting one (Hijacked?) as is Firing range!Try and get an assault rifle as most combat is long distance. An ABR is ideal, 3 round burst, Swordfish are equally good then you just have your normal Maddox, ICR etc
I tend to land at Cargo 95% of the time, it's quite contested but has great loot.
Armor, just get yourself around and loot, armour is pretty important. Amour plates allow you to fix your armour if you've been hit.
Med kits help you replenish your health back to 150, trauma kits get it to 200 but rare.
Cheers appreciate the link! Will continue to grind away - don't think I could do PC, I can just about get the guys with a controller, would be absolutely useless with a KBM combo.https://www.metabomb.net/callofduty/gameplay-guides/call-of-duty-blackout-guide-3
Try here. I’m a noob but found some decent randoms last night. Ended up being alone vs 2 others in quads. Too much pressure when trying to snipe !
We kept landing at same spot which helps as you get to know the landscape and where to go.
I struggle with what weapons to use too
No worries - the comment was more aimed at @SC0TTRS comment around making the switch!!Well I’m on Xbox. The guide is about the perks guns etc. Ignore the KBM stuff.