Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII

Sorry, I didn't make the sarcasm obvious enough. What I meant to say was - this offers an option to poorly optimised buggy graphically dire PUBG and gingerbread cartoon childrens game Fortnite. Bluehole are a joke and Fortnite isn't a serious/competitive game (albeit very well made), BO4 may offer a decent alternative to PUBG, as it's coming from a massively experienced big game developer.

So, PUBG isn't poorly optimised and/or Fortnite isn't a childrens game - which is it?

You, a gingerbread man, surrounded by other gingerbread men or superheroes, jump off a flying bus into a cartoon world, it's definitely not the most grown up of games is it? However, the skill ceiling is high, I'm not denying that.

Are you 16 or under?

Genuinely curious as I'm not sure a well balanced adult would talk like that, it's important for assessing your posts.
Was that really a poor attempt at a cringey insult over an internet forum? Give it a rest, you know the answer to that question.

I have an opinion, just like you and everyone else. I think Fortnite is a childish game, I don't see why that is so hard to grasp? If your opinion differs, who cares?!

No, it was a genuine question, I don't many adults that talk like that about video games.
Holy QSing, batman! Saw it some QSing in one of the previous posts and it's just ridiculous. Looks like BO2 QSing is back.
I'm definitely disappointed with this game. I'll probably pick it up but not at launch. No campaign and I don't like Zombies, so £50 for MP and BR is a bit much really.

QSing vid is here. My bad. Saw it on another forum.

Thuder said sniping was like BO3, but that clip is from a sniper clan lol, so expect that to be like that.
Saw a gameplay vid and it looks fun to be fair.

But it's likely it will play like dog **** - such a shame.

Yeah that’s my worry, in a controlled environment it looks amazing, in the wild with 12 years olds shouting at you because you chose ruin first and then him rage quitting leaving you 4v5 for the match will be boring after 2 minutes
Yeah I ain’t really feeling it either at the minute, maybe it will change when I try the beta.

Interested to see the BR mode but I have to say my hype levels have dropped considerably since the reveal since we’ve found out about the health mechanic and also 5v5.

I suspect massive health mechanic changes after the beta tbh, almost want to say it will be removed
Same here, that with the 5v5 tactical team play is really turning me off.

Also the every 3 second heal nonsense and I am really being turned off.
Oh yes! The few games I played the match had already begun before I'd even loaded in. This was an issue in BO3 as well.

I played a few games but found that the TTK was just too high for my liking. Only Hardcore could save the game for me.

It’s more the load into a match, pick a specialist, wait for everyone to pick their specialist, then a little ready up animation happens and then a countdown timer to the match starting, all after waiting 80 seconds in the lobby after waiting for a time to pick the map too.
Does anybody else find the maps a bit crap? Far too many lanes on them which leads to me getting shot in the back all the time.

A little, but I find I am spending a lot of time looking at the mini map in this game, much more than any other CoD
Yeah, I am cancelling my preorder on this.

There is no way i can put myself through playing it.

I can't even earn a UAV, I am putting half a clip into people and just dying instantly, this is despite me using armour as well, going up against players who are level 30+ who are seemingly invincible because reasons is really winding me up, no matter what gun I use they wont die, it took 34 rounds from the LMG for me to be able to kill someone.

Whether the player pool on xbox is just full of MLG/CWL/Pro players I don't know, but it's impossible for me to do well.

It also doesn't matter what game mode I play, control, TDM/KC I just get swamped from every angle every time I do eventually kill someone, this game isn't fun at all.
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