** Call of duty ghosts (MW4) **

Spektor does that image highlight which is better to play though?

CoD4 required mods to get rid of it all and you were still left with something that was much easier than CS. Which is all irrelevant anyway as the age of FPS games as e-sports is pretty much over and has been for a while, the token legacy coughing and spluttering in the corner isn't what people a decade ago imagined the future of the genre would be; fast-foward to 2013 and there aren't the games to back it up for high skill play and there aren't the audiences to watch it. MOBA/RTS or gtfo.

CoD now is more an experiment in human psychology than a game... you have bright colours and noise flashing all over the place whilst it constantly splashes all over the screen how amazing you're doing even if you suck. All they need now is feeding tubes that sends grey nutrient paste into you and you've landed in the living nightmare that was once only imagined in sci-fi's darkest literature.

Plus, onto the hate generated towards the visual facet of the game. When someone gets on stage and starts touting about how amazing an engine is, how realistic the lighting is, how much effort they put into texturing a dog... then shows something that belongs in 2007-08 how could there not be a backlash against it?
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Had a laugh today when my mate linked me to "Call of Duty Dog", under the twitter name "CollarDuty".

Particularly when Call of Duty Dog got a bit too excited over the name XBone.
Might get this, just so I can spam about how it's not as good as Cod4, just like all the cod fans did/are doing in the bf3/4 threads.

might get bf4 to say how bad it is just like bf3 :p cant wait not to vault over walls and get you were unlucky every time a bug happens they haven't fixed for release :D. also get blinded while playing a very bad animated no comp scene fps game made for ps3 lead platform boom !

be lied to during its release

then charged 3 times as much as any other fps :D

ghosts maybe bad but seriously bf is just as bad if worse.

back to bfbc2 which is the best bf game and currently still busy.
I don't get why people are so desperate to have dedicated servers on CoD games. The maps are designed for 12 and 18 man games and all dedicated servers (judging just on CoD4 mind you) is that you get 64 people on maps that don't come close to supporting them all which absolutely ruins the game.

Why do they stick to this low number of player's in a game, 8/12/18 players, its about time they upped this figure.

PC's are faster, etc, and fibre is just about the norm surely they could double the figure at least.

Why not have dedicated servers and bring back map making again like the good old day's. There where some very good map maker's out there, had some great time's on them.
Why not have dedicated servers and bring back map making again like the good old day's. There where some very good map maker's out there, had some great time's on them.

Why? Why?

Because there's money to be made from constructing (generally) poorly put-together maps and flogging them off as amazing "extras" that should really be free anyway...

Just watched the E3 preview and this game looks awesome. Not sure why everyone is hating??

It's just down the road from me actually - wonder if I can get tickets.
Looks like the typical COD frag fest. (don't mean that in a bad way).

Tho is this game not meant to be on a new engine? Did not look new or shiney at all.
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