haha you want a real laugh you know how you mentioned the sunshafts ?
EA and dice do this in bf games just checked gg.
Spektor does that image highlight which is better to play though?
Might get this, just so I can spam about how it's not as good as Cod4, just like all the cod fans did/are doing in the bf3/4 threads.
http://new.livestream.com/callofduty/codghosts start at 37:22
lots of new stuff . some of that is very nice
whoever did the movie in it right at end 1hr in
I don't get why people are so desperate to have dedicated servers on CoD games. The maps are designed for 12 and 18 man games and all dedicated servers (judging just on CoD4 mind you) is that you get 64 people on maps that don't come close to supporting them all which absolutely ruins the game.
Why not have dedicated servers and bring back map making again like the good old day's. There where some very good map maker's out there, had some great time's on them.