Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Oh my god when did I get awful at shooters on console. I used to be really good.

I can’t aim for ****! Any tips for setting controllers up? Aim is just dreadful
I was exactly the same yesterday. I put it down with being a bit sketchy with the maps, well, that she official line I'm sticking to anyway.
I just can’t workout what’s going on with my aiming. Even at close range I can’t seem to sim on a target - I’m down to sensitivity 2!!

Back on BF4/1/5 and older CODs I’d almost always be one of the players with highest kills. I’ve played for 3 hours now and usually get 3-4 kills a round :o
Against my better judgement, and whilst a little bit drunk I bought this. Well, I have to say this is one of the worst CoD releases in recent memory (for me).

Game seems to be in a shocking state.

-Terrible spawns. I mean just awful.
-Tiresome weapon/attachment unlock process. I just want to play. I don’t want to have to mess about doing this and that and the other with weapons and play styles that I’m not interested in just to unlock a particular weapon or attachment.
-Selecting certain weapon attachments crashing game back to menu.
-multiple instances of quick play filtered to TDM only forcing HC TDM. WTF just no - if I wanted to play HC I’d have selected HC.
-Poor netcode / hit reg / insta death.
-Inconsistent aim assist.
-Super aggressive idle kick algorithm. I mean wtf - being a nest sniper is impossible in MW3. I’d just made 5 kills in a row called in streaks and made another kill then kicked for idle. Sigh.
-Dodgy map voting system. Why have it if the map that receives most votes isn’t played? Also multiple instances of replaying a the last map forcing leave lobby and rejoin to avoid boredom.
-OP grenades but other explosives really underpowered. Sorry, but there should never be a perk that allows a player to survive a direct hit from an RPG (or one at their feet). Or if there is it should hobble the player in other ways, similar to how the stealth class can’t carry any lethal or tactical. Makes the RPG redundant.
-Strange weapon balancing. LMG’s that struggle to kill anything. Just hit markers unless it’s point blank. MW2 weapons do not seem to have been rebalanced to account for MW3 base health. No point having a MW2 one hit sniper rifle if it’s not one hit kill, even at close range. Makes legacy sniper weapons somewhat pointless.
-TDM matches too short at 75 points.
-Repeated instances of being put in matches that are almost finished.
-Rust, rust and more rust. Give it a rest. It’s a **** map. Just have a 24hr rust option for those who want to play it (same as shipment used to have).
-Maps are meh. Not really seeing why so many people are saying the maps are great? People saying they are iconic. Really?
-short sprint length and inconsistent movement with pressing slide often resulting in just a crouch rather than a slide (may be linked to netcode). There’s also a kind of weird thing where you sprint a bit then jog a bit then sprint again. Not sure what’s going on with that.
-Awful auto reload.
-inconsistent TTK, or certainly what feels like inconsistent TTK. Again may well be netcode related.

Disappointing. Feels like it plays worse than the beta to me and is certainly a backwards step overall.

Ah well. I shall persist and maybe things will improve with patching but currently I don’t really have much interest in this. It’s just not enjoyable and the game feels all kinds of wrong.
Final MW3 review scores are starting to drop

It's sitting around 50 overall on the Meta and the highest score so far is a 6 out of 10.

It's also averaging 1 out of 10 user score on metacritic and 3 out of 10 on steam
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The multiplayer is pretty fun though, even though it should be DLC

I’m going to have to play the short single player campaign with aim assist off etc, hopefully it’ll help with my aim
Played a bit multiplayer saturday night, even though I'm hopeless at it I enjoyed it. Had another go at campaign sunday afternoon but had to download campaign pack 2 - another 12 gig. WTF?? How come I have never experienced this before with other COD games? I pretty much have them all except Vanguard although all are on Xbox and this is my first on PS5. Is it just because the Xbox OS and online system is so far ahead of Sonys?
The matchmaking in this game really is ridiculous. It's not SBMM but the EOMM (Engagement optimised matchmsking) that people talk about.
One match it's like you're in a CDL tournament with bunny hopping sweats everywhere, the next game it feels like you're playing recruit bots :rolleyes:
To me there's no fun in playing either type of player. I get no joy from wrecking players who are clearly not very good at the game.
I'd be fine with some sort of actual SBMM but the system they use at the moment is just ridiculous in how blatantly it rigs your matches.
Thanks Biron, appreciate the gesture.
You're welcome :cry:
Seriously though, I got put into a lobby the other day and people on the other team weren't even reacting when I was stood right in front of them. It honestly felt like I was against disabled people. I felt bad about it as I clearly shouldn't have been playing against them. But the game will put you in an "easy" lobby every now and then to keep people playing.
Wish I could find these mythical easy lobbies.
Just party up with someone who's not very good at the game and you'll find yourself in them immediately. I played with a few of the guys from work yesterday who are all pretty awful but have a fun time playing. It genuinely felt like people weren't shooting back for a few of the lobbies.
Whoever came up with TaCtIcAl StAnCe needs to be stuck in a room for 48 hours and forced to play with nothing but tactical stance.

EOD is barely worth it nowadays, it doesn't even save you from claymores.

Launchers take far too long to reload.

And the biggest annoyance, which is always the same, is the absolute braindead retards who play it. The amount of times I lose matches of dom because of dumb ***** on my team not capping flags is ridiculous. They also refuse to shoot down any UAVs and in many cases would rather go for that stupid mosquito than have a UAV which would benefit... you know... the whole ******* team.

If I could make one change to this game it'd be that players who don't play objectives in objective modes are banned for 24h. I can stand losing to a fair fight but losing because Jonny is sat in a corner with a shotgun so he can get his mosquito does my head in. Or because of XxXSniPezZZ who's got 47 kills and zero caps.

Cod players are ******* retards, I really hope they're not this thick in real life because they'll be spending the rest of their lives wondering why they're the only ones without shoelaces.
Whoever came up with TaCtIcAl StAnCe needs to be stuck in a room for 48 hours and forced to play with nothing but tactical stance.

EOD is barely worth it nowadays, it doesn't even save you from claymores.
EOD is being fixed, it's a bug that it's not working as it should and Sledgehammer have said that.

I just disabled tactical stance, hasn't been an issue since then!

Click Keyboard & Mouse or Controller—depending on what you're using—then select the Gameplay tab at the top. Scroll down to Combat Behaviours where you'll find Tactical Stance Activation and Tactical Stance Behaviour. Switch Tactical Stance Activation to off to disable it.
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