Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

It's definitely weird.
Everything else runs like you would expect on a 2080ti, so I'm discounting the card. So I guess it's either Windows 10 2004 (did a fresh install and the indexing updates are awful) or something game related.
Will turn off all the bells and whistles and build up to see which triggers it. Not much else to do in lockdown I guess

This game runs terrible on my RTX 2080. I get stutters and fps drops. It's a bad engine and poorly optimised.
I managed to get the new sniper, played with the Kar98 on shipment and dropped out after getting the 3 kills, just about the quickest way to get the gun. Its a bit of a beast it must be said!

What's weird though is my 192gb folder still shows as 192gb even after todays patch?

Are we downloading the same files or something and just overwriting them? :confused:

It's basically overwriting them, because they are unable to develop a game that is user friendly and do patches properly. The game is an absolute joke, I will not buy another cod game. Jokers.
It's definitely weird.
Everything else runs like you would expect on a 2080ti, so I'm discounting the card. So I guess it's either Windows 10 2004 (did a fresh install and the indexing updates are awful) or something game related.
Will turn off all the bells and whistles and build up to see which triggers it. Not much else to do in lockdown I guess
When i moved from 1909 to 2004 it turned the game into a complete mess. Stuttering like crazy, reverted back to an image with 1909 and no problems.
2004 needs sorting, or at least with my hardware it does
Probably temporary, to get the rumble players to spend some money to rank up weapons!

Do games even work on 15mb internet? Like the good only days of having a ~200 ping in early 2000s and trying to gestimate where your enemy is as everyone rubber bands accross the screen :D

40ms ping, just downloading that is the issue :(

Download stopped overnight with 5GB left, typical.
I was at about 1MB/s all of yesterday, boot it up this morning and getting this:

It's really annoying that update day basically locks out the game for 24 hours!
I'm having texture issues since the update.
When parachuting in, it goes from looking like it always did, to loading in much lighter textures (full detail textures) as I get closer. It's a bit like on Google maps when the less detailed imagery was taken in spring and the more detailed at the end of a hot summer when everything is in need of some rain!

Anyone been in the stadium yet? There was a contract that I landed on the roof for but it was inside so I'm assuming they've opened it up?!
Also notice they've opened up some of the inaccessible buildings in farmland.

Will the new sniper build out well as a quick-scoping gun or best to stick to the Kar? I wan't something a bit more mobile than the AX-50.
going to take me a while to get the new sniper, quick scoping isn't something i'm very good at!

How is 'quick scope' defined, does anyone know? I did some very rapid scope and kill in Plunder but no score on the unlock...maybe not fast enough but I can't see how it could be faster!

That's certainly not the devs definition for it, I've got about 5/15 now and all of them were done fully "zoomed in", though I was using a Kar98 with a red dot. I'd estimate I spent at most 500ms zoomed in before getting the kill.

Easiest way to get it would probably be with an EBR or something in Hardcore.

It does look like a kill very shortly after fully zooming in also counts.

FYI, Marksman Rifles also count are are far easier to get quick-scope kills with in my experience. Mk2 Carbine is working quite well for me, getting the 3 pretty much every game.
This patch:

+ Maxed my VM connection on the download
+ Seems to run buttery smooth now
+ New map is good

- Reset some of my graphics settings, seemingly randomly
- Needed multiple shader cache rebuilds and restarts to run without stuttering.
- New game mode is meh, the respawn camping when the other team have the flag is stupid.

It's not getting much bigger. The updates may be 30-40GB but most of that is replacement data. My install has only crept up slightly each time.

I beg to differ:

This patch:

+ Maxed my VM connection on the download
+ Seems to run buttery smooth now
+ New map is good

- Reset some of my graphics settings, seemingly randomly
- Needed multiple shader cache rebuilds and restarts to run without stuttering.
- New game mode is meh, the respawn camping when the other team have the flag is stupid.

I beg to differ:



This patch:

+ Maxed my VM connection on the download
+ Seems to run buttery smooth now
+ New map is good

- Reset some of my graphics settings, seemingly randomly
- Needed multiple shader cache rebuilds and restarts to run without stuttering.
- New game mode is meh, the respawn camping when the other team have the flag is stupid.

I beg to differ:


Mine's 192GB and wasn't much smaller before this update.
This game runs terrible on my RTX 2080. I get stutters and fps drops. It's a bad engine and poorly optimised.

As previously mentioned, runs totally fine on my 1080Ti which is similar performance to your 2080.

Asssuming you're not using a potato CPU, there's something wrong with your machine or install by the looks of things.
As previously mentioned, runs totally fine on my 1080Ti which is similar performance to your 2080.

Asssuming you're not using a potato CPU, there's something wrong with your machine or install by the looks of things.
Exactly this. Your system

I have a 2080Ti and went to Win 10 2004, it ran like garbage. It's my machine though, probably something like old drivers, I expect motherboard as I still run an almost 10 year old Z97X and i7 4790k. Reverted 1909 and it's fine.
Others on 2004 do not have the same problem, meaning it's my problem
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