Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Looks like it has a VERY deep rooted loot system, challenges giving you blues, purples and oranges etc.

I think I'll avoid for a while until they inevitably put in lootboxes or some form of microtransaction as it's clearly designed that way. If nothing after 6 months, I'll pick it up.
Make sure you have an activision account as you cannot play without it to signup for the emails! If like me you forgot the password it takes a little while for servers to reset your account :eek: games looks incredible on an RTX though they really went deep on the RTX RT FX ;):p:D plays like a dream as well 4K maxxed out but no HDR not sure if its present on PC or not :eek::(
Having a lot of fun so far :D


this was a fun game :D
3440*1440 RTX on, getting about 90 fps min with everything on max including tessellation, resolution slider is matched to my monitor though, higher and it tanks performance.
My biggest complaint is just how god damn miserable the MP maps feel. Most of them just look so depressing and grey. I guess that's the setting of the story though
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