Just my opinion. I think the game feels great and am really enjoying it.
Personally, I think FPS gamers are the biggest bunch of moaners in gaming. Many of them take it too seriously and are way too competitive. This makes them criticise and whinge like babies about every little thing they don’t like. Nothing but perfection is good enough for them.
Imagine gamers wanting a quality product and criticising said product when it has many floors. Jesus wept your an IW wet dream, i'd rather be someone who wants a good game than settle for any old crap, that said some of us have higher standards. Just my opinion.
Whether you like the game or not is irrelevant. The facts/opinions shared by a large amount of people are:
The maps massively favour camping as well as some of the game mechanics. Examples as i said:
- Way to many doors, windows, corridors to camp in.
- Ghost that works even when still.
- Footsteps heard way too loud and too far away.
- The fact your own character involuntarily calls out players which the opposite team can hear giving your position away.
- Killstreaks means most have no intention of playing the objective ad its all about K/D.
This leads to players sitting in a corner, listening for footsteps and offering little else. It wouldn't be so bad if it was 1 or 2 but it's the majority. The only successful way to play this game is camp.
That's just the issue with camping. If you haven't experienced that then you are either oblivious to what goes on in the game or you are one of them.
Then just the maps in general, they're bland, mostly awful. Piccadilly? Euphrates Bridge are some of the worst in any cod. Then add in the large maps with way too few player count means you aimlessly run from spawn to find someone.
Have you played Euphrates Bridge on domination and had your team lose B? If so then you will know all that happens is then you get spawn raped as there is nothing blocking the vision and the spawns don't swap.
Shall i then go on about some other questionable decisions.
The SBMM is useless, personally i wish it wasn't there but i can live with it.
How about having to start a new lobby after every game, instead of staying in the same lobbies.
No map vote
No ability to filter out 6v6 and 10v10
I can also live with the fact 90% of players use the M4 as its by far the best gun in the game.
But it must be me not being very good. I mean even those pros and youtubers who make a living from the game have said the maps are bad. I guess they're not very good too. Cod has always been fast paced, even MW, MW2 etc... were. This is slow, campy and nothing like what COD should be.
I will give it some credit, apparently the SP is good, visually it looks nice and the gun play is good. Shame they let the apprentice create the rest.
Anyway you like it that's great keep enjoying sitting in your corner with your m4 (cant think of anything more tedious), the fact you can't see any of the above suggests you haven't got much clue and this reply was long enough to waste anymore time talking to the oblivious.