Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

TTK is always theoretical when the streamers talk about it as its usually impossible to hit every bullet once you factor in distance and recoil which are another contributing factor for TTK. Everyone would be running the Oden otherwise.

Both the AUG and FFAR are **** easy to use, and the FFAR has such a fast fire rate that missing a couple of shots isn't too much of an issue.
Wang! Exactly the same as me, lower frame rates and it also feels stuttery and choppy. Was perfectly fine before ( bar the cheating ***ers )

The full reinstall seems to have done the trick. I can now go back to getting **** on 24/7 in gloriously smooth gameplay :D
Noticed some people saying fps had dropped, mine must have jumped 10-20% since the update now getting around 140-160fps in mp whereas before I was getting 110-140 ish
Noticed some people saying fps had dropped, mine must have jumped 10-20% since the update now getting around 140-160fps in mp whereas before I was getting 110-140 ish

just checked some of my shadowplay recordings. Looks like mine has jumped 10-15%. Hovering more around 95-100fps now at 1440p in warzone.
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