Really, so the whole game I way just playing with an HDR no-one could see a glint? It seemed I was attracting a lot of attentionYay Raven Software did it again
Variable zoom scopes for MW snipers don't have glint anymore
Really, so the whole game I way just playing with an HDR no-one could see a glint? It seemed I was attracting a lot of attention
ASVal is a great gun, but I can only reasonably use it in solos and duos as that 30 round max mag sure does drain fast with that fire rate!ADS is noticibly slower on ffar. But it's still an absolute killing machine. Mac10 might beat it close up due to the ads speed. I dont see any other SMGs being able to do that though.
Aug users are just switching over to the m16, so the burst rifle meta isn't going anywhere.
Started using the AS VAL, pretty solid choice for taking on the FFAR. Also well balanced as the previous devs only gave it a 30 round mag max. As opposed to Ravens herp deep approach for making OP guns with huge ammo capacities so they lack the draw back MW stuff had.
VariableWere you using variable zoom? Or a normal sniper scope?
No visible glint then!Variable
Something still needs to be done to the damage profile on the FFAR, and the M16 needs the same treatment the AUG has had with higher recoil/ longer reset time - games just not been fun to play for me since the CW update...
What are people on AMD processors setting their RendererWorkerCount to? I've read so much conflicting information on this.
I now use no filters, highlights or Gefore Experience at all
Frame rates tank when using Geforce Experience filters, how interesting!
I now use no filters, highlights or Gefore Experience at all
Yup, 445.87 driver on my 2080ti with geforce experience the filters (including sharpen) worked great. No issues at all.Shame really, as using the sharpen filter in Black Ops or Warzone makes the game look so much better! - Used to be able to use the sharpen filters in Nvidia Control Panel, but don't work anymore with certain games as blacklisted
What you guys think of the new sniper?
I think it's ok, not bad but certainly not the best, I can't seem to get on with the sights. I think I may stick to the Kar98 or SPR for now.
I agree. I tried the FFAR again just now and can see why 90% of people are using it instead of other ARs and SMGs. Brutal or short and medium distance in comparison to anything else. It's been worse since CW was integrated but still very fun in teams with friends.
If you can't beat em, join em. FFAR and secondary as PKM with VLK 3x or HDR depending on what others in team are getting and were we are on the map.
5800X here, i've left mine on default settings;
// generated by Infinity Ward
version = 1
VideoMemoryScale = 0.85
RendererWorkerCount = 7
ConfigCloudStorageEnabled = 1
With the blur and dof settings off, I get 97fps solid all game, 3440 x 1440 on an RTX 3080. This is capped in NCP with gsync and vsync on, unlimited fps in game menu. Max GPU temp is 59c, 461.40 drivers.
This is exactly what I switched to last night - as you said very fast strafe speed which can really help win some gunfights.Recommend trying this FFAR setup.
Agency Suppressor.
Ultralight Barrel.
Raider Stock.
Serpant Wrap.
Stannag 50 Round Mags.
This has long range of 40m, decent bullet velocity, low recoil whilst making you pretty nippy strafing. It's surprising how many miss you when strafing if the speeds up. The grau whilst good is like wading through mud when ADS.
Yeah it's really a case of can't beat em' at the moment - I do miss the days where there were 5+ genuinely viable AR's to choose from.
Thanks, I think I'll delete mine and let the game decide what's best in that case.
This is exactly what I switched to last night - as you said very fast strafe speed which can really help win some gunfights.
Paired with an M16 it's a pretty nasty loadout - TTK is ridiculously low for both guns.