Last night around 22:30 was really bad for cheaters. I never usually notice them but sure they're becoming more blatent. e.g.
Gulag, I was crouched hiding behind a wall. On the spec dead cam right from the start he/she was looking right at me with aim down sight even though he could not see me at all. I suspect wall hack
A quads team rushed us, one guiy killed my 3 team mates with a knife. I was hiding in a garage out of view, the death cam showed one of them looking aim down sight right at me when I was out of view and ghosted. He didnt even have a HR scanner, I got stun bombed and rushed with instant headshots
A few kills where somones aim with be at my feet / chest then will quickly snap to head. That's not a usual movement with mouse or pad
Think I'll go on Rebirth or play something else