Guys, Go to 16:58 in this. What's your thoughts? Someone else called this out in the chat too. Seems kinda,SNAPPY?
It's called a flick and something that is relatively easy to do on mouse and keyboard when you've played enough to build up muscle memory. Listen in on your video from 21:53
Can you score a free kick like Ronaldo? No? Is that because you're not a professional? Yup.
Let me show you some examples of mouse and keyboard players flicking:
Plays for Faze. Probably one of the best quick scope snipers in the world
BBB has done a video proving that he's NOT hacking (I know numerous people here use him as a yard stick for some reason...)
2) Faulty
Deliberately does over the top flicks to troll people into thinking he's hacking
Incredible MP map knowledge. Knows where all the pinch points and camp spots are. Where he can wall bang. etc etc etc
Symfunny does the same thing too. But remember these are just clips. If you watch streams, including ZLaners, you see them get owned from the other side too.
Here's an example of what happens to a Pro WZ controller player when aim assist is turned off... (he loses the gun fight because he misses shots to the left at the end)
Casual gamers need to accept there are some people who are just MUCH better at FPS' than they are. For some reason COD is one of those games where everyone thinks they are the greatest player in the world. Perhaps that's testament to the developers and how they make it feel.