Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare / Warzone (Battlenet ID's in OP)

Oh man I used to be decent at these games. Now I'm horrible. I haven't really played any FPS games for the last couple of years and it shows... I'm like really bad. Maybe I'm getting old (36), reflexes aren't what they used to be :(
I'm 41, my reaction time has definitely slowed the last 5 years. I try and play more tactically astute now hoping to get a jump rather than a head to head gunfight.
Still cant load my campaign, can play online no problem just crashes out in campaign whilst loading, haven't tried starting a new game just yet....
I'm 41, my reaction time has definitely slowed the last 5 years. I try and play more tactically astute now hoping to get a jump rather than a head to head gunfight.
I've tracked mine since 2003. I'm 41 now and it's still actually slightly faster now (lower latency equipment) it's 170ms. what's yours?

i don't think reaction time has a huge drop off. certainly not at that age.

i think for most people it's just the amount of time they get to play. with that the decision making gets a little rusty. They lose the flow and perceive it as a drop in phyical reaction speed

unless I'm just a freak lol

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Finished the campaign, quite short but i loved it all the way through, definetely the best campaign for COD since the original MW I felt (although i did enjoy WW2 single player campaign too).
Crossed another gold off!
For the first time in god knows how long I've been able to play with console friends and it has been such good fun. We've been firing up the private games for a few pistols only and headshots only games. Really good fun
Does anyone know if aim assist is activated on PC when using a controller? I know on console it is and when using KB&M on PC it isn't but wasn't sure about Controller on PC??
Oh man I used to be decent at these games. Now I'm horrible. I haven't really played any FPS games for the last couple of years and it shows... I'm like really bad. Maybe I'm getting old (36), reflexes aren't what they used to be :(

Not at all , im 10 years older and doing fine.

Ill leave this video here to help if your stressing out, its destiny 2 pvp focused which btw is one hell of a skill ceiling compared to MW but check it out it might help you.

I have a major issue with the TTK in the game, it was turning me of MW but after watching this vid i know there is nothing i can do about it so why am i stressing over it?

I do miss Destiny PvP Crucible is damn good fun

Its a weird one for me because i never enjoyed it but the changes with the new expansion has transfomed it into the reason i play destiny 2 now.
I used to only play pve , now i only play pvp apart from the odd weekly pve activity.
Its now my favourite multiplayer fps, enjoying MW,BFV amd insurgency sandstorm too but D2 pvp is incredible fun.
Oh man I used to be decent at these games. Now I'm horrible. I haven't really played any FPS games for the last couple of years and it shows... I'm like really bad. Maybe I'm getting old (36), reflexes aren't what they used to be :(

You'll get back to it don't worry :). Are you using a fully kitted gun(makes a hell of a difference) and which gun are you using? M4a1 and shotguns seem to be the best at the moment.

Try moving to hardcore game modes it's actually a lot easier imo. Seems to favour placement rather than just raw aiming ability. Whoever shoots first tends to win.
Are you using a fully kitted gun(makes a hell of a difference) and which gun are you using? M4a1 and shotguns seem to be the best at the moment.
I'm only level 11-12, using the M4. The problem is not my aim, it's that everyone is so god damn faster than me ADSing and killing me before I even get the chance to aim my weapon lol, it's insane how fast they are. Killcam is brutal!

Ahh well I hope I'll get faster :)
I'm only level 11-12, using the M4. The problem is not my aim, it's that everyone is so god damn faster than me ADSing and killing me before I even get the chance to aim my weapon lol, it's insane how fast they are. Killcam is brutal!

Ahh well I hope I'll get faster :)

ADS speed can be improved drastically with the right attachments :) just got to find the right loadout to fit your style. You'll get faster :)
Try walking about scoped for a bit helped me get my aim speed up then go for it.
Still get killed quite a lot but a lot better than before usual games are 15/16 kills to 15/20 deaths. And before it was about 5 kills 15-20 deaths.
There is a bug with this game or graphics drivers NVIDIA here not sure but i can only play the game in windowed mode
otherwise any other mode cripples my frames severely

give it a try anyone having issues with frames in FULLSCREEN mode or any other mode try windowed mode and see you frames jump.
Getting an annoying issue on MW where i cant Talk ingame or Hear people Ingame but my Mic is fully working etc in Sound Control Panel and Blizzard....
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