Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Finally something good from submitting those cheating reports :D (Playing on PS5)

Finally something good from submitting those cheating reports :D (Playing on PS5)

If you are playing on playstation turn off crossplay its a much better experience :) yeah you play against playstation only its well worth it for a fair game plently do it. You can't do it on xbox won't let you the only way to fully turn off crossplay on xbox is a back menu and once you have done it you can't find games as not many people now how to fully turn it off on xbox.
Have to agree warzone with Crossplay disabled is a more enjoyable experience when I was on PS4 and now PS5.

With Xbox would follow suite.

Even if it was just console to console cut out PC players completely.
Sorry if this is the wrong thread but since the Vanguard update and the Christmas games appeared MW Multiplayer is now broke.

My PS4 Pro keeps crashing, game freezes etc. It's just completely unplayable.
I've resorted to deleting it and reinstalling it + the 160gb updates.

Anyone else experienced this?
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