Call Of Juarez Demo (German)

12 Nov 2003
Devonia :)
NEW English 'Call Of Juarez' Demo


Demo of this wild west shooter...looks good.

OK finally DL'ed it, over 500mb...well it looks pretty good, similar feel to Oblivion (though not as good) long draw distance, trees, swaying grass, nice textures and details, NPC's look good and you can see your own body when looking down. poor water lets things down with soft edges where it meets land.

Runs like crap on my old Xp2500 + 6800NU much-much worse than Oblivion...must upgrade!!!

The language (I got the German version) is a slight problem, working out what your supposed to be doing, a bit of trial and error involved.

Seem quite enjoyable so far. Info and screens.
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Your link in the first thread points to Tiger Woods. :confused: :eek:

Looks good though...


actually, no it doesn't...

Tried&Tested said:
Your link in the first thread points to Tiger Woods. :confused: :eek:

Originally Posted by Tried&Tested
'actually, no it doesn't'

Yeah It did...cheers sorted now.

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this game rocks, and runs nice and smooth on full settings. Yet again no hdr and fsaa :( sort it out we know it can be done (chunka patch) ....
Just had a go,great stuff,demo won't allow AA though & can't force it through CCC either. Screeny

Think i might buy this though

I got stuck already :p

On the mission where your billy using the whip, i managed to steal the horse and then i ran away and got to a ledge where smoke is around the corner, only problem i cant seem to get over it :\. It says soming about catching objects with RMB but there ist nothing to catch
Was runing terrible on my system. I renamed exe to Doom3 and now runs like a dream. :)
Looks like an SLI bug (like the prey demo). I'm not sure what engine this game uses.
runs a bit ropey in places the HDR is abit extreme every thing is too bright need to be able to tone it done a bit.

its very hard

NO AA :(

APART from that very nice

awesome game best of the year surely! :eek: :D love everything about it so far has a HL2 feel to it with the physics but the visuals are amazing!!!

LabR@t said:
runs a bit ropey in places the HDR is abit extreme every thing is too bright need to be able to tone it done a bit.

its very hard

NO AA :(

APART from that very nice

with sm3.0 you cannot have AA, but with sm2.0 you can, but the depth of field with sm3.0 is very good and unique and really adds a lot to the visuals/atmosphere.
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