Call Of Juarez Demo (German)

5bjoshua said:
Maybe i set it up wrong. Ill give it another go, i really hated the fact theres no AA aswell, it detracts from the game when all i see is jaggies.

Ive only just got this X1900XT-X so i dont even think i have set it up right.

Any tips?


Shadows medium

everything else at max , Never noticed the lack of AA at 1680x1050

Leave AA and AF to application preference in CCC, tick HQAF
I really enjoyed the demo and while the HDR is a bit extreme the other effects are excellent, in paticular the field of view blur; why don't other games use this, looks awesome! Some of the scenes with the concentration view on look better than any oblivion screenshot I've seen.

That said, it runs laggy on my system (A64 3500, 1GB, X1900XT). In particular the begining of the horse riding map, the trees and bushes really slow down the FPS, into the 20fps range. Even the loading times are ridiculously long.

Hope its just a driver issue or just poor optimisation in the demo, because I'm really looking forward to the full game.
Last Kronin said:
Ya, the loading times are a bit long, takes about 5 mins just to load up, however i dont really experience any lag on my system.

Seriously? The start of the second section of the game where you're in the forest, its very laggy for me, as low as 20fps. The is with everything maxed out at 1280x1024.

What drivers are you using for your X1900? Is your CPU at stock?
Cant overclock my sytem as the motherboard wont allow it so everything is at stock, im using the new improved :rolleyes: cat driver 6.7, but then im using 2.256 gb of ram that could be working in my favour.
It keeps crashing for me any1 know if its a known issue ? it looks pretty good but i havent been able to play any longer then after u leave that building and see the sheriff etc
CossackNoodle said:
It keeps crashing for me any1 know if its a known issue ? it looks pretty good but i havent been able to play any longer then after u leave that building and see the sheriff etc

crashes for me too, you using a audigy 2 as it might be that?
Not had any crashing problems,

Using XFI I get a few missing sounds in OpenAL
Fine in Direct X mode though

Those screenshots look great, really lookin forward to release
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