Call Of Juarez Demo (German)

How did you get those screenies so dark, mine seem awful bright, made sneaking fairly hard when playing as billy could hardly see anything while leaning past trees

DOH,just downloaded this to have a go.Installed,run game and it wont play.

Nooo i forgot i was on my spare pc as my hiper went down the pan on my main pc,trying to play the game on a mx440 sad,i hate this pc and hiper.
Last Kronin said:
How did you get those screenies so dark, mine seem awful bright, made sneaking fairly hard when playing as billy could hardly see anything while leaning past trees

yer its to bright
I love the motion blur, but hate not having AA, and the game runs terrible for me in 1600x1200 which is annoying, my rig really underperforms i think, i have an Opteron 146 at 2.5ghz, 2gb RAM and X1900XT, should it run at only about 20 FPS in 1600x1200 sm3 all on high? It really chugs :(
I never check my FPS in a game, i just play it at my desired res and run around and see how it plays.

No idea what fps i get with this game but it feels smooth as silk at 1440x900, sm3.0 all high :)

It seems way too bright tho
Seems pretty good, don't really like the Indian levels though, I don't like all that sneaking around stuff and when I got to the camp fire I got a shot gun in the face killing me. Runs bad on my computer too, can't see why as Doom and Prey run fantastically smooth, I'm using an X800XT and A64 3200, also 2gb ram.
woot just finished the shooting one! Thought it was ace, that concentration thing rocks!

I got stuck at the end but didnt realise you had to hit the bell =/ lol
Tried&Tested said:
Tried the demo. Nothing new here really. Same ol' same ol'.

The slow down bits are gimmicky.

yeh i know what you mean. It was lacking something for a fps game. maybe the speed to get out the way of bullets, cant quite put my finger on it
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