Call of Warhammer Total War - EPIC mod for M2TW

7 years... That's dedication to your thread :)

Thanks for the update, though. Looks pretty cool

Hah yeah, but don't thank me, thank the modders who dedicate their free time to keeping these 7 year old games fresh. MTWII is still an epic game with more than acceptable visuals, and between this mod and Third Age there is still a lot of life left in it.

in fact this only shows a glimmer how much life TWW could have if the modding community gets behind it. :)
All videos taken from here, the dude who has tried to set up battles for all races...

Full unit roster...

Wow, Lizardmen fully implemented including awesome Stegadon model... :eek:

Skaven and Empire including flying units :cool:

Orcs and Vampire Counts!

High Elves and Dogs of War...

Wood elves and Dark Elves...

Slannesh... :D

Nurgle and Kislev...

Chaos Undivided including Giants...

Tomb Kings...

I'm probably missing some races but wow holy crap... :eek:
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