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Calling all Gurus, I'm in desperate help here, please come in and help regarding GPU issues.

Ok raised the cards so they are not warping, still the same, black screens when using Display Port only.

Just done a 30 minute loop of Valley but connection via HDMI without any issue what so ever. Here's a GPUz log of the runs in valley. Core temp lovely, VRM1 showing a lot of heat but I expect that with only passive cooling due to the waterblocks only covering the core.


And this is through DisplayPort, lasted about 7 seconds before I started getting black screens. The screen actually stayed black this time, so had to change back to HDMI on monitor to get the display back so I could post this. As you can see, VRM temps no where near as high as when doing the faultless 30 minute Valley run using HDMI, nearly 40c lower but still black screening.

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Shot in the dark here, but since your blocks are on, any way you can prop up the frozr/gaming??? cooler and plug the fans in and try DP, I had a 670 Amp that refused to do anything unless it's original fan was plugged in.

no different mate, plugged the stock cooler in, got fans spinning at 100% but still black screening on DisplayPort within 5 or 6 seconds of running anything 3d.
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Is the heatsinks touching anything.

nope, nothing touching anything. And surely if it was, then it would short out on every connection type and not just DisplayPort. I can game and bench all day long using HDMI or DVI but as soon as I try DP within a few second I get black screens, but with the stock cooler back on the card, DisplayPort is abssolutely fine.
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hmm, its not the sort of thing that should ever happen with a waterblock, they are meant to be properly tested, it is a new card though so the likleyhood increases

You made sure to use proper non conductive thermal paste ?
I guess that wouldnt matter if the short stops happening when the cooler is changed, thats really odd, have you tried swapping the blocks over ?
does it happen with both waterblocks ? tried single cards 1 at a time ?

yes using really good paste. Not tried swapping the blocks over no. Yes the same issue happens with both cards when used on their own 1 at a time in the system, exactly the same issue. I find it really weird how its only effecting DP and not HDMI or DVI....that's the bit I can't understand. And I can't understand when the damn original stock cooler is on the card, DP is fine. I'm doing my nut in here, it's actually making me a little upset because this is a project that I'm trying to finish that my dad put in his will before he passed a few months back. Making me pretty unhappy that I can't get this sorted as he always thought the world of me and what I can do with a computer. I'm just really stumped.
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Not unless I cut it mate, with it on, it fouls the waterblock

Before I do any cutting of the stock cooler, I need to make sure it is going to definitely work. obviously once I cut it, there's no going back. Could have 2 cards that become pointless water cooled and unable to go back to stock cooler on air.
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When it black screens can you recover or is it completely crashed at that point? Have you tried having DP and DVI connected at the same time, and when it black screens on DP switching over to DVI on your monitor to see if there is still output?

I'm wondering if the stock cooler/frame is providing a ground route to the displayport connecter that they couldn't fit a trace for on the PCB. Is there any evidence that the stock cooler/frame touches the DP connector housing?

When it black screens I simply have to change the screen input to hdmi or dvi to get the picture back. I can then choose display port again and the picture is back. would it not give me black screens when sat on the desktop also though if that was the case? Interesting post and interesting point about the housing. The black plate that sits on the pcb as well as the stock cooler does fasten around the DP connector, I'll have to have a closer look this evening.

Just going through process of elimination mate, test it on original cooler without the plate, see if it black screens without it?

You would need to be very careful you don't get the cooler coming into contact with the exposed pcb though.

Interesting, I'll check closely later Tommy. Thx for awesome ideas guys.
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I did put the little thermal pads on those points last night but still got the black screens. It'll be an easy job to modify the stock cooler or the backplates but I need to be sure before cutting them. Will put the stock cooler on tonight without the black plate if that's possible and test before anything.

It genuinely does feel like we are homing in on the problem area tjough doesn't it...here's hoping anyway.
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Have you tried talking to either MSI/EK about the issue Tony? I'm assuming EK may have seen this before with this type of block?

Emailed both EK and msi last might detailing everything, not heard anything back yet but it's still early. Was planning on ringing them later after work as well.

Why couldn't EK just make a full bloody cover for this card, it's beyond me. It's the most popular 390 out there, I'd love to know their reason for not making a full cover when they've made full covers for other 390 cards I think.
Ok, got the cards out and blocks off. I'm not sure I can put the stock cooler on without the black mounting plate. Really worried the cooler will sag and short out on the pcb or a component.

Any ideas, do you need pics to advise me better.
I'm only using 1440p kaap and these cards were previously fine running 144hz at 1440 over DP on stock cooler before the WC project. I've managed to fit the black plate as well as the waterblocks via a little cutting lol. Its go big or go home time because I'm getting sweet FA help from EK and MSI.

Just got home from work, will fill the loop for like the 6th time and try again.
No full block covers for msi 390's or else obviously I would have bought a full block cover.

I'm actually quite disappointed with EK. They should not have said the thermosphere block will work great on the msi 390. I get the impression they have no idea the msi 390 pcb is bigger than the 290 or reference and they just appear to be saying it'll fit just fine as the design is essentially the same as 290. Nowhere did they mention fittings to the inlets on the blocks would be half covered because of the wider pcb. They provided me with incorrect bridge type when I provided them my motherboard and gpu so I've 2 bridges here now doing nothing. They've not replied to any of my emails asking for help in this matter, overall really poor customer service.
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Didn't know there was one here.

Thanks for the heads up, will drop him a message :)

On a side not, cut the black plate so I could secure it back on how it was, but with the waterblock, it's still blackscreening after a few seconds gaming or benching with only displayport. It's getting ridiculous now, just about to chin off a thousand pound project here. Not getting any help at all from EK or MSI. Just about to email the above MSI rep, hopefully at least get some sort of response.

Hey Kaap, I know we live within 10 minutes of each other, fancy trying to help me out a little here?? I'm really struggling man.
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decided to turn off pump and try without pump, no black screens, pump on black screens immediately, pump off no black screens. GPU gets bloody hot really quick, but in a dozen or so tests for like 10s, not one black screen with the pump off. What does that mean?
yeah i think so mate, will have to wait till tomorrow now though. Will have to be bloody careful thought because hardline tubing all connected so wont be able to move it far

I just wish there was a way to test it for longer period with the pump off. cant believe it gets to 80c and 90c within 10s..wow
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ive got hardline tubing, I can run it from a PSU outside the case, and might be able to detach it from the case, but it'll have to remain inside the case as i wont be able to move it very far with the hardline tubing

edit: just tried using external PSU with pump connected to that with the pump still attached in case, black screens. pump off again, no black screens. Tomorrow I'll get a voltmeter and try and detach the pump from the case then try again. I have a very good friend (mynight) who seems to think the pump might be charging the liquid when its on.
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Thx very much guys for the continuing help here, you've all been helping greatly.

I've not said anything publicly in detail, but this build has been particularly emotional due to the passing of my father very recently. He loved seeing how I could build a pc, he put some money in his will to help me with this as he knew my intentions before he passed. Along with some really beautiful words, I felt this build was very important to get right. Last two weeks have been pretty rough, just the thought of it not working has been tearing me up a little due to its state and what my late father said to me in his will....kinda felt like a failure, so apologies to all at times if I come across a little raw.

Hopefully tonight when I get home from work, I'll take the pump out and try running it not attached to the chassis. Now I just need to find a fix.
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