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Calling all Gurus, I'm in desperate help here, please come in and help regarding GPU issues.

ok, just got home, first easiest test to do, just tried turning the pump down to it's lowest speed setting, black screen instantly so that's no different. Will see if I can get the pump detached from case and test again. Not sure if I can do it with one set of hands, so that might have to wait till my assistant gets home lol
Would try Luc's method first before fully extracting the thing! Have you also checked the molex connectors like he mentioned?

yep ive had the 3 pin rpm cable disconnected always, it's never ever been connected. The molex from the pump just has two wires, a yellow and a black, not sure what I'm testing for there.

just dropped the core clock and the mem clock to as low as I could go so I could run the tests for longer. In a 2 minute run, not one black screen. It's absolutely 100% an issue with this pump. I've now emailed the guys here about RMA or what the process would be. I'm guessing it's not as easy to test a pump in a loop as it is to just test a card or something. Lets hope I hear back soon as they have 5 in stock right now. This has been a long drawn out painful experience :confused:
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Ok guys, pump/res combo detached from case, held on to it and tested, still black screening under test. Oddly tjough, when I drop the core mhz by 100, no black screens. These cards were doing 1150mhz for fun on air previously so I know it's not the cards. I ran 950mhz on core and no black screens.
30c to 35c on the core, 41c vrm1 and 57 on vrm2.

Maybe the pump and the higher frequency interfering somehow? I don't know, just randomly guessing here lol. ocuk sent out a new pump this evening so will get that in the loop tomorrow night and see what's what.
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Yep totally strange issue indeed luc. it's definitely linked to the pump as we've established, but why does it black screen on DP only when using a core clock higher than 950mhz when I was running 1150mhz on core on air??? Not one black screen back then, but now it's 50c cooler it black screens lol. mayhems pastel must be non conductive right for coolant?

Strange. pump has to sort it tomorrow, surely.
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new pump in, just ran an hour test of Valley and an hour of Heaven, no black screens on Display Port woo hoo. So so good, highest temp on gpus was 37c on GPU1 and 35c on GPU2 :)

I'm so happy
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thx guys. I would love to know as well, what on earth was wrong with the other pump to only screw around my Display Port. Strange, must have been a very peculiar set of circumstances indeed.

I'm chuffed to bits now, looking lovely in the lounge. Now I got a day of installing all my programs and games again lol.

Thank you all so much for the massive support in this, couldn't have got through it without all your help.

Take a bow all. My dad will be so pleased :) Feels like I've completed his wish :)
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thx guys. Absolutely loving it :) water temps stay around 31c during heavy gaming sessions and the hottest card temp I've seen was so far is 40c. That was running the Vardars on the rad at their lowest setting via the fan controller just as a test. Really really impressed as the cards are now at 1150 core.
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