Calling all ninjas...

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Stringy said:
I swear most of these pics look more like Muslim women wearing their black garments so you can only see their eyes.

Or whatever religion it is

Agreed, lots of pretty eyes on ere so its hard to tell LMAO!!!!!!!!

If you can't do gay inuendos on a Ninja thread where can you!
Tru said:
I'll be in and out without you even noticing.


menacing look, tiger claw.. this ninja means business!!
I bet i could get some bikini ninjas going on in here, just need to get my friends round for a 'girly night' and then BOOM "lets dress in bikinis then add ninjas and take photos!"
*i will be taking the photos not appearing in them*

The ninja teaching link doesn't load for me, so I had to guess n i can't work out how to get it tight round head. :( Hope I'm still in. :o Don't look very menacing either. :( Please show me the way master semi nakid ninja!
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