Can a vegan diet make me strong. Let's find out.

8 Oct 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire


Age: 25
Bodyweight: 13.7st
Height: 6'4"
Bodyfat: Unkown

Reach 16 stone in three years and squat 200KG.
Eventually one day squat 300+kg, deadlift 450+kg and overhead press 200+kg. (I'm just setting the bar high).

New goal in 12 months (25/06/14) set by Ultra_Extreme:
174kg squat and dead.
82kg bench.


I've always been a skinny guy my entire lift. I don't mind being skinny, I'm happy with who I am. I also don't mind looking like the guy from the cola advert but my real reason for lifting is for animals.
I love animals, ever since I was a kid. That's never changed as I've grown up, except now I'm aware of them. I later got into a band called Goldfinger who are vegans which led me to ask myself questions about what I eat. I then went vegetarian at age 14. Met a vegan online and she gave me a lot of insight and stick for being a vegetarian (she was a vegan). I remember saying what's wrong with milk and she made me aware of it. I never took her serious enough and went vegan a year later but not for long. Now I'm sticking to it.

So I decided I wasn't going to give a penny to these dairy and meat industries and adopted a new diet.

This is were the lifting comes in. I've often got in deep conversations with people about this choice. I always make a very strong argument but I want the body to back up the words. If people can listen to why I don't eat animals and see that I'm big and strong, they will take me seriously.

"Oh but you're not getting enough protein or iron", "vegans are weak", "no gains ever came from a plant".

I want people to ask me what I eat because I'm so big. I want young lifters to see me and think "damn he's massive, what does he eat". I want to be known for it, the natural guy that doesn't eat meat but is huge. To inspire people to take a real interest in nutrition from other sources, to at least leave people aware of another option rather than guzzling down a dozen eggs a day.
If I can be able to out lift the guys at my gym then it's proof I'm strong and getting enough protein. When a heckling meat eater tries to mudsling me I can stand proud and back up my words with real evidence. People like to believe things with their own eyes.

So whenever I feel like I can't pick up that barbell and lift it because I'm not strong enough, because it's painful, it's tiring. I think of all the suffering animals have to go through in their pathetic lives. I think of McDonalds and KFC and the anger inside to do that last rep. For myself the animals and the planet.

Arvid Beck is a great inspiration.

Robert Cheeke owner of veganbodybuilding, really down to earth guy.

Also check out Derek Tresize, Giacomo Marchese, Jimi Sitko, Robert Cheeke.

Organic vegetables, legumes, beans, grains, water, nuts & seeds, fruits, bread and organic hemp protein powder.

Carbs: Broccoli, peas, tomatoes, spinach, bananas, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, butternut squash, arborio rice, pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, garbanzo beans, pinto beans.
Protein: Veges, black beans, soya chunks (55g), quinoa, brown rice + red beans, peanut butter, almonds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, soya milk, shredded wheat, hemp powder, tofu, bagel.
Liquids: Water, fruit juices, almond/hemp/soya/oat milk, smoothies.
Fats: Coconut oil, peanut butter, avocados, ground flax seeds, olives and granola.

Previous lifting history:
November 2012. Eight months of a three day split on legs, triceps/chest, biceps/shoulders and back thrown in across the days. 10-2 reps.

Bodyweight - 12.4st

Squat - 50kg
Deadlift - 80kg
Bench - 40kg
OHP - 40kg
Penlay Rows - 50kg

Current lifting program:
Second week of the Stronglifts 5x5, strictly.

Bodyweight - 13.7st

Squat - 72.5kg
Deadlift - 105kg
Bench - 65kg
OHP - 52.5kg
Penlay Rows - 62.5kg
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Yeah good luck with that, even with steroids and training for 10+ years you'll be hard pushed for that. Get real.

I make this vow to you, for every extra kilo you lift, I will eat an extra lamb, calf, fish, egg and chicken to motivate you further.

Why all this BS? Just lift weights if you want to, or don't. Do it for yourself not for anyone else, otherwise you're frankly just a fool.

I'm not even going to comment on the dietary side of things....
I feel this log is for our friend Captain Planet, but bizarrely he's off eating animals in an actual theatre of war, and making more gains :D
So... eating animals is wrong but bulking up on large quantities of food, far more than a non lifting vegan, is ok? Any idea of your current carbon footprint vs. what you need to just survive? Killing more wild animals in pollution and deforestation to save some captive pigs?

Fair play, couldn't give two figs about the hows, whys and implications.

Just realise that the world isn't the nice, fluffy and fare place it's painted to be to children. Animals eat each other all the time. Speaking of which, it's fry-up time :)
So long as you have the will power to stick to being Vegan and eating so much, you will be able to bulk out good. Not sure on the lift goals, seems a lot...
Though would advise getting some creatine in there somewhere.
So what you're saying is you're aiming to strict press what Klokov has to push press, deadlift as much as Benedikt Magnússon (one of the worlds strongest men) and squat an amount raw usually requiring suits and steroids in competition powerlifters.

Sounds realistic.
I would suggest that the goals are based on high levels of enthusiasm and a lack of knowledge in to what the totals actually related to.

Nothing wrong with being enthusiastic until you start to become disheartened by the fact the goals you have set yourself are not realistic in the slightest.

I would adjust the goals to something like squat 200, deadlift 250, and press 100, oh and not sure why you left bench out, but throw in a 140 bench as well. With good genetics and experienced input in to your training there is a chance that you can achieve the above close to your 16st target, but its gonna be damn hard. Harder still given your choice dietary lifestyle.

Good luck
Every part of this post is win.

  • The ridiculous totals.
  • The happy pig that probably died 5 minutes after the photo was taken.
  • The heart wrenching story of how you turned vegan because of your love for animals.
  • Thinking of KFC and McDonalds to get that last rep out.
  • The Diet.

I think we may have got off on the wrong foot Nate. I've read your log and thought about this for some time, and I think we have something in common.

After exhausting thoughts of wimmenz for dat der motivation (hard to believe this is possible right? Trust me, it is) I too think of KFC, McDonalds, and all kinds of tender meat entering my mouth. The thought of my post workout meat feast helps me push one extra rep. Fully serious.
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