can anyone recommend a cheap sound bar?

Perhaps a soundbase would be a better idea then, sit the TV on that. Like you say, need more info really. Picture speaks a thousand words and all that..
Decide what you want in the future. I use a off the wall plasma stand which holds the TV and center. Hifi racking is off the side wall with all the gear.

Means more space for speakers and sub on front wall not packing in audio gear, more space for speakers to sound good. If I bought a IKEA oppli or a regular two wide X 1m stand takes too much space, TV is too high amps squeezed in not another space for center or sub
What you thinking, heat? I'm glad I've posted that link as maybe that's why the Sony unit sounded off?

Yes heat.

They are full of sorts of electronics and amplifiers so they can run hot putting them in a confined space would be a terrible idea.

I'm trying to think what would work well and tbh getting rid of the unit would open up your options.

As it stands you can't do anything apart from a soundbase and the majority of them are rubbish
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