Canadian Grand Prix 2015, Montréal - Race 7/19

Man of Honour
30 May 2007
St A


In the 1960s the rivalry between French and English speaking Canada meant that the country's Grand Prix had two homes: Mosport Park one year and Mont-Tremblant the next. By 1970, however, Mont-Tremblant was deemed too dangerous and the race moved full time to Mosport Park.

In 1977 the French Canadians, motivated by the incredible success of Gilles Villeneuve, decided it was about time they built a race track. Building a new circuit simply wasn't feasible, however, as time and money were against them.

Their solution was simple and effective. Taking the Ile Notre-Dame, they connected all the island's roads and made a circuit. The island had been the home of the 1967 World Fair (Expo'67) and was full of futuristic looking buildings. It was, everyone agreed, a perfect venue for a Grand Prix.

After m was spent on upgrading the circuit to Formula One standards, the first race was held there in October 1978. Gilles Villeneuve, in his first season with Ferrari, was yet to win a Formula One race, but at his home Grand Prix he took a memorable debut victory. Following his tragic death in 1982, the track was renamed in his honour.

His son, Jacques, never won at the track but some of the great drivers of the sport have taken the spoils here. Michael Schumacher holds the record of having won seven times in Canada. It is also the scene of Jean Alesi's single Grand Prix victory in 1995, driving the number 27 Ferrari, the same car number which carried Gilles Villeneuve into the hearts of the Canadian Formula One fans.

TV Times


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Track Diagram & Information


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2014 Onboard Lap

2014 Race Edit

Canada Preview Quotes

WDC Standings


Constructors' Championship Standings


Practice 1


Practice 2


Practice 3





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One of my favourites on the calendar :)

Renault bringing a reliability upgrade here, Mercedes using tokens to improve performance.
Awesome, hoping for a fully dry one, with a rematch of last year between Rosberg and Hamilton, with no dirty corner cutting :p
Best race on the calendar!

Going to have to watch it delayed as I'm heading to Wilton House to oggle supercars on Sunday :)
My favourite of the year. Firstly because there always seems to be great racing, and secondly it's in the evening so I can get away with slobbing in front of the TV without my wife accusing me of wasting the day :rolleyes:
Woohoooooo Formula 1 weekend :D

Canada :cool: one of my favourite races of the year. The 2011 race is my favourite of all time. The weather is supposed to be nice at the weekend too and I love the fact that it starts later in the day. BBQ methinks !
Bernie really has no clue with his determination to make every race start at 1pm UK time.

~7pm starts are clearly the best. Viewing figures put Canada up there as one of the top 2 or 3 races of the year because of it.
Bernie really has no clue with his determination to make every race start at 1pm UK time.

~7pm starts are clearly the best. Viewing figures put Canada up there as one of the top 2 or 3 races of the year because of it.

I just don't understand him on this. He's getting rid of a lot of European races to give/sell to countries around the world but tries to make them run at as a friendly time for European viewers as possible. You just have to look at the Malaysian/Korean GPs to see that if you don't do it to local times/weather you're setting yourself up for an embarrassment.

Not that Bernie cares about that :eek:;)
Bernie's actually causing himself quite an issue with the European races.

He's contracted to have half of the races in Europe and/or the US. Which is why Azerbaijan is now the European Grand Prix.

He keeps raising the prices and he's reaching a breaking point. Future German, Belgian, Italian and even Spanish Grand Prix's are starting to look flaky.
Personally the early morning races are my favourites though I understand the appeal of evening races too... If anything the lunchtime races can often be the most awkward time for it to be for me.
Sky plus mates :D

Kinda like the evening showings myself. I'm usually cooking dinner at race time Sundays so don't always catch the whole event live.
Bernie's actually causing himself quite an issue with the European races.

He's contracted to have half of the races in Europe and/or the US. Which is why Azerbaijan is now the European Grand Prix.

He keeps raising the prices and he's reaching a breaking point. Future German, Belgian, Italian and even Spanish Grand Prix's are starting to look flaky.

Its 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. He's only raising the prices because there are people out there willing to pay for it.

Unfortunately privately financed GPs in Europe can't keep up with state backed races elsewhere. Why would he try and keep a £50m European race on the calendar when theres some random human rights abusing hole willing to pay twice or 3 times as much? Just look at how many spectators there are (aren't) in Bahrain or China...

And half the profit FOM get from race's goes into the pool that gets distrubited to the teams, before someone pulls the "Bernie should stop being greedy" card ;). Bernies greed is directly linked to how much money the teams get. If you want the teams to have more money, then you need Bernie to be more greedy...
I wonder if Ferrari are bringing their engine improvements this weekend? If so could make it an interesting battle between the 2 top constructors.
And half the profit FOM get from race's goes into the pool that gets distrubited to the teams, before someone pulls the "Bernie should stop being greedy" card ;). Bernies greed is directly linked to how much money the teams get. If you want the teams to have more money, then you need Bernie to be more greedy...

Yet we're plagued with all these Hermann Tilke tracks. That so many complain about.
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