Cancelled Games

The sequel to XIII was killed pretty much before it started. Massive shame as XIII was brilliant, and ends on a cliff hanger :(
This, most gutted I have been about a canned game. Loved the Stalker games and Stalker 2 sounded like it was going to be great.

The most annoying thing is that they could have used kickstarter if they had money issues and I'm sure they would have easily made their target. Seemed like they just gave up on it :(.

Yeah instead they are working on Survarium which isn't looking or sounding great.
I think we will. Half Life 2: Episode 2 finished on a cliff hanger and left us with a new plot device, "The Borealis". Then they reinforced that plotline in Portal 2 by showing you the Borealis hanger and giving us a little background on the ships details and that's been their most recent story driven game in the same universe as Half-Life.

I hope you are correct.
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident 2.

The first game is still one of the most beautiful, intriguing and unique RTS games I've ever played. There is so much potential for a sequel, both in terms of the story (which I won't spoil) and gameplay :(
I think this is a bit inconsiderate of the developers and we never here of Grand Theft Auto (imagine the uproar) or Assassin's Creed games being canned do we?

Well no, because they don't enter "development hell" and the devs/publishers know the game will sell well enough to make up for any increased development costs.

They're not doing it to spite the players, I don't see how you can possibly call it inconsiderate.
Warcraft Adventures : Lord of the clans (theres an early playthrough on YT)
Dungeon Keeper 3 (aye I know we have WFTO)
Ultima Online 2 (SOTA isn't the same)
Baldurs Gate 3

To name a few
Sonic Xtreme, there was meant to be a PC version after the Saturn release but both got cancelled and they made Sonic 3D instead :(
Dungeon keeper 3, is the most memorable from my childhood.

This is kinda happening with a game called "War for the overworld". Which was actually going to be the name for DK3, they even hired the same guy to do the voice-overs. :)

It was a kickstarter, but it quite close to release now I think.
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How did I miss that:eek:

Watching Star Citizen Developments/updates makes you wonder what could be:cool:

Perhaps if the reboot happens a game will follow:)

The more I hear Chris Roberts talk about it the more it sounds like wing commander, can't complain tho as it looks awesome and I've sunk much time into the Alpha already
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