Cannibal Holocaust

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Blimey, I only saw 25 minutes of this 'X rated, super gory, mega-BANHAMMORED-in-2344323-COUNTRIES!' film, and it was really really aweful!

Not in the 'bad' way but the content of the film was really sickening. Whilst you would expect such a film to just be a really lame guts and gore fest, the scene I saw was just.... horrible.

There were 4 Americans (3 men and one woman) in a jungle, Blair Witch style looking for tribal groups. They caught a 14-ish year old girl and filmed her documenty style saying 'Ooo we found one, they do exist :) '.

Edit - So not to 'spoil' it.

Some of my mates who watched it all the way through regret it, and you could actually see how disturbed one of them was.

Thats not to mention the footage of slicing open real animals, other almost unwatchable rape scenes and obviously torture and cannibalism that took place throughout the film.

I do like my scary or gory movies, but this just went WAY beyond that. Has anyone else seen this absolute 'car crash' of a movie? I never want to see it again
Yeah I saw it about 5 years ago now, really haunting music as well but an obvious fake, apart from the animals which is all real and not needed.
I've seen the brains and penis scenes from this and I must admit I wasn't inpired to watch the whole movie, very nasty despite a miniscle budget.

Vedder said:
Yeah I saw it about 5 years ago now, really haunting music as well but an obvious fake, apart from the animals which is all real and not needed.
Yeah, I didn't see the infamous 'tortoise' scene, thankfully. I dunno though, the human parts didn't look 'obviously fake' to me....
Load of info here:

"To make matters worse for Deodato, it was in the stars' contracts that they must not be in any film or media for a year after the release."

I can imagine that would be hard to do nowdays with the Internet but I can imagine people thinking it was real in 1980, especially seeing none of the actors.
I didn't think it was that good tbh. Some of the scenes were a little shocking, mainly the animal scenes, but the effects were pretty poor. If any of your mates didn't think it was that bad get them to watch Salo. Salo > * in terms of shock value and complete and utter sickness.
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I've seen this twice now (I think my brain purposely forgot what happened the first time I saw it).
It's definatly not a popcorn movie that's for sure! I found the rape scene the hardest to watch. The scenes of violence towards the american group I didn't find as hard to watch as I felt they deserved it, it was certainly called for (bar the american girl, she wasn't that bad compared to the guys).

I've only seen the 'rewind/pause' scene in Funny games, I really want to see this now!
I actually bought this video a few years back, I don't know why though, it's pretty feeble, although it did achieve what it set out to do, shock.
Well if you think that's disgusting then I urge you to avoid like the plague the rest of the movies in this list...

Top 10 Sickest Movies

I'm upto number 6 so far & I'm already finding them hard going so hate to think what the next 5 (Including Cannibal Holocaust) are like, but I have them ready to watch.

I think the internet has desensitised me because I didn't find it particularly shocking. :o

There were a few uncomfortable scenes but nothing that meant I couldn't watch. :o
soundwave said:
Well if you think that's disgusting then I urge you to avoid like the plague the rest of the movies in this list...

Top 10 Sickest Movies

I'm upto number 6 so far & I'm already finding them hard going so hate to think what the next 5 (Including Cannibal Holocaust) are like, but I have them ready to watch.

Phew, at least SOMEONE else found it horrible :D
The only disturbing part of the film was the animal slaughter (I forget whether it's a pig or a turtle: I always get this film confused with Cannibal Ferox, which is virtually the same). The rest of the film just plods along nicely without being too extreme.

If you put it in context of the time it was released, you can understand why it was so shocking. However, by today's standards it would be a very tame film.
In the early 80's my old man used to run a Videovan service and every two months he would be raided by a guy from customs called David Bowie who would check his stock and make sure he didn't have any video nasties on his van.
Of course Cannibal Holocaust was on the list and also fims like The Hills Have Eyes etc. I thought they were all crap to be honest.
soundwave said:
Well if you think that's disgusting then I urge you to avoid like the plague the rest of the movies in this list...

Top 10 Sickest Movies

I'm upto number 6 so far & I'm already finding them hard going so hate to think what the next 5 (Including Cannibal Holocaust) are like, but I have them ready to watch.


That lists a joke!!
How anyone can find Canibal Holicaust more disturbing than the fire extenguisher scene and Monica Bellucci's rape in Irriversable is beyond me :confused:

man bites dog is a comedy.

Have you watched it?? It may well be classed as a comedy but it's far more disturbing than the very unrealistic Canibal Holicaust!!
Cannibal Holocaust's shock factor is mainly that turtle scene. It's probably the only scene in a film I find hard to watch. I find it far worse than the infamous "fire extinguisher scene", which I just think is cool (probably the wrong word) special effects.
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