I bought a couple of 4tb drives to allow me to clone a couple of WD NAS drives before sending them back to WD to have the data recovered from them. When I tried to clone the 1st drive, it seemed to be taking ages to clone - c48 hours - so I abandoned the cloning process. I was using a double external dock to do the cloning.
Trying to now re format the drive in Windows 10, it won’t do it. I’ve tried umpteen times, without success.
Is there a trick to being able to re format the drive? I’ve been told that the NAS drives were Linux based and that might be the reason that it won’t format. Is it because I tried to clone it using a dual dock to clone it that is causing it not to format?
I’ve since used macrium to successfully clone both drives now (bought a 3rd drive) and everything went smoothly in a handful of hours.
Trying to now re format the drive in Windows 10, it won’t do it. I’ve tried umpteen times, without success.
Is there a trick to being able to re format the drive? I’ve been told that the NAS drives were Linux based and that might be the reason that it won’t format. Is it because I tried to clone it using a dual dock to clone it that is causing it not to format?
I’ve since used macrium to successfully clone both drives now (bought a 3rd drive) and everything went smoothly in a handful of hours.