Actually that's a good point, are there major ISO differences? I do like to get out at night if possible
Look at dxomark
Nikon have a definite edge and offer better high ISO performance at all camera levels. Whatis more is that canon sensors of late have very pronounced banding issues or high chrominance noise or conversely have lost details through filtering, which is less pleasant than grain like luminance noikse which Nikon has tended to output.
However, the differences between sensor sizes or lens aperture tends to dominate. Some camera like the Nikon D3s are really unmatched by canon. At the lower end I wouldn't worry too much. For the crop sensor cameras the Nikon 1.5x crop is larger than canons 1.6x crop swill always allow for better light performance given equal technology.
ISO differences is not really the differentiator as much as dynamic range. Canon is really lagging in this area. Whether DR is import depends on what you shootbut is one of the main reason why People still shoot film because for many DR s the most critical sensor performance. Again, t s not just the raw numbers, canon sensor are notorious for banding issues in shadows, so just because the raw numbers say 1-3 stops difference the visible inference can be greater because patterns and bands are readily o set able byte human eye relate to random noise.
Other sensor related things is resolution. Some canon sensor have a strong Anti-aliasing filter in place to aid moire performance in video. Nikon sensors have weaker AA filter and give sharper still images.
Still, after all iideaid and done your biggest weakness will be your skill. Canon cameras are perfectly capable and even the entry level cameras give better photos than $10,000 cameras from 10 years ago. So if there is something that draws you to canon then iwouldn't worry.starting from fresh given current line up, sensors, trends, features then Nikon definitely have an edge. That Edge might go th other way in the future.
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