Can't decide on TV size - going mad!

Hi All,

I'm going round in circles with this and feel a bit under pressure as we are having an entirely bespoke media wall/unit built.

I'm torn between the 65" LG OLED tv which is around £1700. Or the 77" LG OLED which is a lot more at £3000. This will be paired with a Sonos ARC.
We will be sitting around 8.5ft from the TV (which is 2.6m)
I watch mainly sport - 80% football, 15% rugby and the rest depending on what is on. The quality is around 1080p I think, sometimes a bit better depending on source.
Watch a ton of YouTube, quite a lot of Netflix and Amazon too

The cost of the 77" does make my eyes water but I want to get this right so will pay the money if the size is right for us

Every site I look at has different answers. I have outlined the TV's, I have been to the shops, etc. I just can't decide.
Any personal experiences with this?


From seated position. The Yellow markers show the outline of a 65" and 77" TV. The current TV is too high so we are lowering it to eye level.


The fake wall has now been taken out and carpenter is doing measurements tomorrow.
This angle is off to the side (where as we sit straight on)


This is similar to what we will be getting - units along the bottom, with some shelving each side. TV in the middle.



I'd suggest 77 as a buy-once cry-once upgrade but either will be fine.
I got a 77'' Sony second hand for £1500 with 4 years warranty, so you always have the option of buying a 65 incher and keeping an eye out for a second hand 77'' panel in the next 2-3 years, which allows you to end up with 2 TVs.

I'd definitely get some good sound with a nice TV. A stereo pair with a nice subwoofer will be a huge upgrade, and dependant on room layout, is more than enough for most people.
I'll second the comment about sound, more than half the experience in my opinion. As for TV size, whatever you buy will seem "small" after a few weeks, so go for the biggest you can accommodate/afford.
If you were sitting further from the screen then 77" would be worth considering. As you're only 2.6m away then 65" is fine, and the massive price hike makes less sense. Looks like a great set up, I'm sure you'll be happy whatever you decide. :)
I'll second the comment about sound, more than half the experience in my opinion. As for TV size, whatever you buy will seem "small" after a few weeks, so go for the biggest you can accommodate/afford.
Yup. Even a crap movie can be saved with good sound.
I bought a 55" S95B then returned it for a 65" model and am very glad I did. It even looks a little small now but I couldn't fit a larger screen in my living room. I had to use an extending arm wall mount and place it too high because of my kids so it's all less than ideal, but I'm very glad for the extra size and it makes for a great film/couch gaming experience.

The price difference is pretty massive between 65" and 77" compared to a more modest uplift from 55" to 65" so it's up to you whether it's worth it. Unless you suffer from buyer's remorse I'd be inclined to say go big.
Hi All,

I'm going round in circles with this and feel a bit under pressure as we are having an entirely bespoke media wall/unit built.

I'm torn between the 65" LG OLED tv which is around £1700. Or the 77" LG OLED which is a lot more at £3000. This will be paired with a Sonos ARC.
We will be sitting around 8.5ft from the TV (which is 2.6m)
I watch mainly sport - 80% football, 15% rugby and the rest depending on what is on. The quality is around 1080p I think, sometimes a bit better depending on source.
Watch a ton of YouTube, quite a lot of Netflix and Amazon too

The cost of the 77" does make my eyes water but I want to get this right so will pay the money if the size is right for us

Every site I look at has different answers. I have outlined the TV's, I have been to the shops, etc. I just can't decide.
Any personal experiences with this?


From seated position. The Yellow markers show the outline of a 65" and 77" TV. The current TV is too high so we are lowering it to eye level.


The fake wall has now been taken out and carpenter is doing measurements tomorrow.
This angle is off to the side (where as we sit straight on)


This is similar to what we will be getting - units along the bottom, with some shelving each side. TV in the middle.




On a side note.. if you are using a sonos arc, make sure it’s not embedded in the media wall like the pic you are trying to aim for, as you would need some space for the up firing speakers to be effective
It's a shame the costs aren't linear (but I understand why), we sit about 4.5metres aeau and currently have a 60 with a dying back-light. I really want a 77 but my Mrs thinks it's too big and obviously the cost is a big deterant (but I think it would look awesome).
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