Can't find single player game to hook me

Tomb Raider - I just spent the last three days playing this and got 100% completion. Not once did I get bored. Now I'm on Rise of the Tomb Raider to do it all again.

Witcher 3

XCOM 2 - I'm replaying it now, not like other games I normally like, but it just might be one of the best games ever, it is brilliant, immersive and compelling.
What ?? Just did a quick google, Mankind has 84% Metacritic, 88% PC Gamer and 6/10 Trusted Reviews ... and Human Revolution has better stats.. so, what's been slated exactly ?? Although, for me both games is up there with the Witcher series, but we all like different things though. :p

DX:HR was undeniably awesome but on launch DX:MD had serious performance problems, it ran like an absolute dog slideshow it took ages to get it working properly and there ended up being so many graphical options that did little to nothing for visuals but killed performance. They absolutely shot themselves in the foot with the botched launch and plus they must have wasted so much time and resources on the ridiculous Other game mode that I can’t even remember the name of it was so bad. The actual game itself – once you got it working is great. Prague is a masterpiece with so many hidden areas that most people will never find, the side-quests are even good and the Pallisade mission is epic and beautiful and brilliant game design.

I agree there is a great game there but they botched the launch so badly it got slated and sales were very low. Must replay it actually, as there is a great game there hidden under the unfortunate issues.
DX:HR was undeniably awesome but on launch DX:MD had serious performance problems, it ran like an absolute dog slideshow it took ages to get it working properly and there ended up being so many graphical options that did little to nothing for visuals but killed performance. They absolutely shot themselves in the foot with the botched launch and plus they must have wasted so much time and resources on the ridiculous Other game mode that I can’t even remember the name of it was so bad. The actual game itself – once you got it working is great. Prague is a masterpiece with so many hidden areas that most people will never find, the side-quests are even good and the Pallisade mission is epic and beautiful and brilliant game design.

I agree there is a great game there but they botched the launch so badly it got slated and sales were very low. Must replay it actually, as there is a great game there hidden under the unfortunate issues.
Ohh yes, I did read that on launch it was some major problems. The game didn't even have 21:9 support at launch I think I read somewhere. I just more or less found out about the game this year so no clue about it's past. I do hope when the next Deus Ex comes that they learned and all will work form the get go. :)
  • Mad Max... Never tried it, could be another game to give a whirl!
Mad Max is a brilliant game for the first 20 hours, you'll get really in to it and enjoy both the melee and car chase combat, leveling up you car, etc. But then it just keeps repeating the same stuff for the next 20 hours with little to no storyline as an incentive to keep playing. I gave up after 30 hours.
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