can't find your stuff blame your wife/girlfriend ??

Your OH's are tidy? That'd be nice.
It's the other way around with my OH. When she can't find her keys, phone, iPad, TV remote, handbag, whatever, the first words out of her mouth are always "What have you done with my X?". The fact that I have rarely done anything with her X and it is right where she threw it doesn't seem to matter.
I am my own worst enemy -When changing wheels to winter wheels I use Hex impact driver (to wizz them off) and have adapters for hex-1/2" socket -The time before I couldn't find them so I wrapped blue tape round them so I can see them -Could I find them -2 weeks later I found them wrapped in yellow tape right in front of my nose.
Going on 50 yrs and my wife moves things I leave around - I didn't put it there she shouts - I moved it out of way.

2 options -put stuff away or have it moved.
Your OH's are tidy? That'd be nice.

No, mine isn't. Her mess is mostly invisible. Though somehow she still manages to lose some of that too.

She's tidier than me, I'll give her that, but I lived for 3 years in a flat on my own. The difference is night and day. I never had to spend more than 10 seconds looking for something. I never lose things in my office even though there's stuff everywhere and I get constantly nagged to tidy it up and yet she's always searching the house for things she's misplaced.

Some people are just a bit mental.
Tidy up after yourself and communicate better with your significant other.

My communication over this subject is largely just ignored instructions to leave my **** alone and concentrate on sorting out your own first. I think that's largely fair :)
like wtf why ?
after 31 yrs i still can't figure it out ..

Me meither. The worst part is, once you know they are moving your stuff around, you give up looking for it. And they wonder why you always ask them where stuff is all the time.
The asnwer is simple. Because I don't wante to look through all you crap to find some I left in a place I could find it.

Mine is also selectively observant to "mess"
If she decides to dump something its invisible, if I do the same its OMG move that NOOOOOOOW!

Shoes being a perfect example. If I leave my old slip on junk trainers by the back door after taking rubbish out, hell breaks loose.
If she dumps her trainers there after going for a run its fine.


We have a house full to the brim with clutter. 8 months of letters on the side board, draws with mobile phones and chargers from the 90, used packing material (bubble wrap, envelopes etc). If I suggest we bin/recycle it, all hell breaks lose. Then I find my small family air loom has been moved to the attic because it was getting in the way.
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Same happens in my house. I don't really mind so much if she has tidied up but what winds me up is when people dump stuff on TOP of my keys/wallet/phone. Like a full on coat, bag, paper etc. If man can't see it, man can't find it.
My personal favourite is when she has a pop at me because I never do x or y (which is inaccurate), then immediately follows it by saying I've moved the stuff she needs to do those jobs when i did them.
Which is it, I don't do it or I do?!
Combine this with my partner being obsessive about nothing being out on the sides and everything having to be packed away and tidy and I can't leave anything anywhere for it to be there when I need it.

What is the 'side'. I've had this for years, even when I was at my parents.

"Oh that, it's on the side".
The trick is to get a woman who respects your things and doesn't have OCD about every surface having to only have the objects she wants on there.

Good luck finding one :D and no I'm not talking about the complete opposite, i.e. someone who does nothing and is a right messy bugger!
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What is the 'side'. I've had this for years, even when I was at my parents.

"Oh that, it's on the side".
It’s Femspeak for “I put it somewhere safe.”*

*Where “safe” is very secure as usually in an unmarked box in an unused cupboard in a room no-one goes in. Because a regularly used tool/tape/adhesive needs to stashed away where even the Angry Ginger from CSI:Miami wouldn’t search.
I spent ages looking for my passport where it has been for past 10 years. Only to discover it had been moved due to a clean up. I can feel what the OP feels. My missus at least has the constant need to re-arrange everything always! The only safe haven is the shed, attic and garage. Everything is where I left it!
It's a you problem I'm afraid. 8 days to leave something somewhere drying? Should have been put away the next day. You checked all the places you should have tidied them up to but instead you left them at the kitchen sink which is her domain. You need to keep her areas tidy otherwise the washing up cannot be done in a timely manner.
her what ??? lol ... i cook and wash up 90% of the time from bbq tongs to my 3 woks and the 5 ring oven the kitchen is mine .... :) :P
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