Can't pay a speeding fine. Can't get through.

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
West Coast of Scotland
Received a fine in the post I was attempting to save myself £100 and 3 points by taking the course, but being up here in Scotland, I was informed I would have to travel to where the fine was issued, which is down south. It would end up costing me more to find accommodation and petrol. So I need to pay the fine. Only the "system" in place wont let me. 0

I've got a number to ring, and I can't get through. I've tried 15 times today; I get through to an automatic message saying "due to unprecedented demand fining people nobody can be bothered to answer the phone". I can't pay the fine online - it says it wont let me (presumably because I requested the course instead), and its the same for the automated phone line payment system. So I've emailed, and they say "due to unprecedented demand" emails are taking ages to answer. I've got about 9 days to play with here. I don't know how to pay the fine, and I don't know where to send my license. It's just crazy. For what it's worth I was doing 61mph in the usual 70mph lane, however the few seconds I was on this road, it was a temporary 50mph. It was literally a fly by - it's so frustrating.
He says he can't because he originally chose the course but has now changed his mind. But the payment offer has been withdrawn.

Not quite as simple as me just changing my mind. The fine was In Warwickshire which is nearly 360 miles from me. I thought originally they were doing the courses online, but they are only doing them face to face. I only discovered this AFTER I had requested to do the course online.
Thanks for all the advice chaps. I've no problem in actually paying the fine. I did get caught speeding after all, even though I feel it is unfair due to the temporary limit which I didn't know about. But such is life. But not being able to get through to anybody, or to even pay online is crazy this day and age. I'll follow the advice above about seeing if I can do the course online, but the letter I received offered me two face to face places in England, several hundred miles from me. There was no mention of online courses.
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