Can't put win10 on my ssd

I had this as well.

I had to format the 250gb ssd,switch off, unplug my 2x1tb ssd drives and leave my 250gb ssd in and then plug in the usb with windows on it and when it starts the install page click the format button again and then Install.

Worked for me
Right the solution was to dload KILLDISK from another pc (a laptop) and burn a boot up copy of it onto a cd. Then I could see all my disks and just wiped them clean as I needed them - one swipe is enough so don't go buying a full copy unless your full of dark secrets or something heh.

Anyway, ta for all your help.
For me pike, at the time it was not. I'm of know doubt it does work though and it was simply these ill programmed hands of mine that were doing something wrong. So ta Hondo, it's sorted now though. :)
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