Caption Competition

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Whitewater said:

Ssshhhhh! God is talking to me.

Did you not hear him?
Guy: "I'd impregnigmate that ass if the kids werent going to be so dumb".


Bush: "We all thought there was weapons there, Robin. My opponent thought there was weapons there."

Opponent: "I have misunderestimated the sexyness of your weapon. Cute ass too".
Von Smallhausen said:
After strategic use of scissors, beard trimmer, fake ID, comb and a Fred Perry golf shirt, Osama Bin Laden realised he would never have a better opportunity to whack the President.

That has to be the winner... it is sheer, almost professional quality.
I think you need a funny picture before you can have a decent caption competition.
Sorry for the delay, only just got in from the football.....

And the winner is Von Smallhausen with

"After strategic use of scissors, beard trimmer, fake ID, comb and a Fred Perry golf shirt, Osama Bin Laden realised he would never have a better opportunity to whack the President"

With a close runner up from UncleBob with

"We've been discussifying the position of homosexians in the military. I said no, God agree-ified with me and said that we don't need no sexanally confusificated homogays . I mentionated it to the Chiefs Of Staff, they're behind me and backing me to the hilt on this one. And we're renaming Camp David, as I don't want to confusify people into thinking i visit homosexualised personages on holiday"

So Von Smallhausen, over to you to post your caption and you have 24 hours to decide a winner
Von Smallhausen said:
After strategic use of scissors, beard trimmer, fake ID, comb and a Fred Perry golf shirt, Osama Bin Laden realised he would never have a better opportunity to whack the President.

Can someone explain what that means ? :confused: im tired and now confused.
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