Caption Competition

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I cannot believe that this thread has hit 1000 posts, I only posted it out of interest to see if anyone could have a laugh and it is now the highest replied to thread at OCuk!!!!

Im gonna start posting more on this thread when I get a bit of spare time as it is hillarious....

Confident, Ivan prepared for his finishing stunt: leaping into the air, unicycle and all, and landing onto Ludmilla's head without dropping a single pin.

I think the seven foot tall, 8 year old girl is saying:
"Who are you calling a freak you four eyed, beardy, sandal wearing clown."

(I'll happily remove this post if the picture turns out to be from Belmit's family album. :o )
Juggler in "Pavement rage" attack by bicycle..."I was just trying to cheer people up...I won't be able to have kids of me own now"....more pics on pages 3,4,5 and 7
Normally, these ghost photos involve you trying to make out a face in a steamed up window 20 feet away....somehow this one seemed more credible.
Mary was devastated.
Her garden was full of butt kissing students, there was a US army troops head impaled on the post to her left, and all her dad could do was juggle. She would just have to wait for the kung fu expert that was Jimmy Stewart to come back from the store.
Freak girl eats giant ice creams and constructs fence from remaining sticks. Man, impressed, tries one'up'manship but fails miserabley.
Royal Mail, in their stupidity, had delivered the unicycle and juggling clubs to the wrong house! Bobbi, being the honest character he was, decided to drop them off at the right address "Here you go love"

To deal with the diminishing attention spans of the videogame generation, the Pied Piper had to come up with ever more impressive ways to enthral his audience.
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