Caption Competition

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You can take the footballer out of prison, but you cant take the prison out of the footballer
cokker said:
Sorry i dont understand? lol

The rules is whoever wins the round, sets the picture, it would be a jolly bad show if one picked ones own picture as the winner, even if one considered one's one to the the winning one. Hope that cleared it up. :)
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A new World Record was set earlier today, for the longest time a man has balanced another man on his nose.


After the record attempt had been going on for over an hour, the judges of the World Record attempt for balancing a man on your face got bored, and decided to have a kickabout.
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"HA! - they said that 'Spot The Ball' couldn't be done like this - well I can see two clearly so it's double money for me baby!"


worse case of Siamese twins caught on camera.


(guy on top)

I don't remember eating that....
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