Capture the Flag Quake on dialup (years ago)

I've literally copied this from my current clans forums. We were having a chat about I55 and I thought I'd show them how it used to be done back when monitors were big for a different reason xD

I think it was actually the very first Insomnia (1998?). It was the one where the power went down for about half the people all Friday afternoon.

I seem to remember tournaments for Quake 2, Half Life and Tribes and possibly Doom - with prizes of a few hundred pounds for each. There was a big screen, but we were literally in a massive barn of a place with little lighting and a small bar in the corner which was little more than a counter with some taps on and a fridge.

It's hard to make people sat playing computer games interesting, especially with a disposable camera lol, but I said I would find them and upload them so here goes. We were set up next to our main Wireplay league rivals and good mates at the time [COG] so we were very happy with that, plenty of banter!

I apologise for the quality of the photos...I had a disposable and was rubbish at taking photos back it was so dark lol.

The "barn", it was massive but packed with 650 of us by the end of the weekend and about another 500 spectators. This was from our spot about 50 metres from the main stage.
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Phat[KAT] (big guy in blue shirt) and [KAT]Litter (nearest) - I got a lift down with Litter in his Nissan Skyline GTR...the journey literally flew by lol

[COG]Mist (furthest away) - I thought I'd seen some good players and then this guy just kicks everybody's arse easily...scary how good his aim was

[COG]Aphrodite - I taught her to duel...she eventually got a lot better than me lol, much disappoint xD
[KAT]Food (team leader, nearest), KIT[KAT] (white t-shirt). Guy in blue t-shirt was tech support, they had a busy weekend lol. [COG] clan in background.

Computer games, serious business

[COG] clan...(from left) Mist (grey t-shirt), Ares, Aphrodite (being shy at the front), Guardian and Pendragon (apologies if I have the name slightly mixed up, it was a long time ago!)
This was one of the quarter finals of the Quake 2 tournament....not even on the big screen bizarrely (big screen being like a 8 foot by 6 foot projection lol) those days if you wanted to see the big game you looked over the players shoulder :P
Played WoW a few years and then back to FPS for BF:BC2 and now BF3.

Actually loving TDM in BF3, reminds me of those QW/UT/BF1942 years! Well worth a try!

Wow epic thread revival!

I'm still playing FPS - BF4 now and some H1Z1... Probably going to play SF:Battlefront if the group I game with do (UKF & ATP) - likely as most are bored with BF & H1Z1.

Quite scary when I think I've been online gaming for nearly 20 years...! :eek:
Anyone remember clan [PR] later PR^ ? Phoenix Rising formed from two clans Sacred Exterminators [SEX]Spanjab and one of the only all female clans back then ManEaters [ME]CyberWitch in 1998 - website still up at

I later joined them for Quake 3 a few years later after that they played Battlefield games and Team Fortress 2.

I added a load of Quake 2 demos to YouTube a few years ago from the Wireplay days:
I was an avid Q2 player back in the days on Wireplay, I remember most the clans that you guys mention - especially KAT:Kick A** Terrorists(?), ME, HOOD too 'Hades' rings a bell, but especially 'Vorv' which I'm sure was short for vorvavo or something - kiced my butt several times.

TFA (Hellbent, Sprocket, Black Dog, Gibbo etc) was the main clan I was in, KnD before that (EdChef, CrashnBurn, WDB40? etc) I think TFA drifted off to play Enemy Territory - CTF stuff which I wasn't interested in and I kind of quit the multiplayer scene after that.

NL (Night Lords) is another clan I remember which featured that ace player called Mrs Paddock, pretty much destroyed us any time we played them.

Good times indeed....except the bills :(

PS Great photos but God, everything in cream :D
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Didn't play on any teams. But I do remember the lag and rubber banding while using a 56k modem.

And my first modem was software based or something and not fully hardware. So it really was bad at times. :(
Holy ****! I was not expecting to see photos of myself from 17 years appearing on here! What a great weekend that was.

Heh some classic LAN pics - I miss those days.

Didn't play on any teams. But I do remember the lag and rubber banding while using a 56k modem.

And my first modem was software based or something and not fully hardware. So it really was bad at times. :(

Ah the pain when I'd dial up and get this...
I originally played on the Barrysworld servers (Q2 Freezetag mostly) before joining LE (Lethal Enforcers) in 1998. Stayed with them until about 2000-2001 when I drifted off to Q3.

We mostly played in UKCCL and the SavageUK CTF leagues. It was a great time to be playing - there was a real buzz as all the teams gathered on IRC during league night (Sundays?) and being allocated out to the servers.

I've still got a load of old DM2 recordings on backup CDs (from when I was allocated to record the match for scores later on). I should really get them up on youtube.
Mental, I remember you :p I used to play with WAC, was a guy in your clan called niggles I think ? He was cool. Back in the day when we only used IRC

Seem to remember there was a dial up connection only cup, sure you came off your normal DSL connection to play and destroyed everyone :D

I remember WAC, played with you guys a lot... on Jolt normally wasn't it? And yep, Niggles was in our clan :)

Haha I also remember that cup! Borrowed a mates old modem to take part :)

Only 3 years old on this post but just thought i would say Hi, RmR the last clan i played for before i stopped playing Quake2 well all quake related games.

I Play MechWarrior online these days and tried to play some Instagib last night but got totally owned not bad for a 10 year +break lol

The interesting things you come across while just having an idle reminisce and browse on the net.

I played on Wireplay back in the day. Started in around 97 with my brother on Quake 2. I remember all the clans from that time. I moved to Quake 3 when that was released, then I ended up on Everquest 2 in the end with 2 ex Hoods players, Glory and B-Boy. The guild was called that also. The only way I'd ever get into The Hoods. :)

I was at I99 too in Bicester. I remember the boat race where a guy was goading Quake and Quake 2 players into having a drinking contest. :) That power cut was pretty bad too. They blew an electricity substation with all the pc's daisy chained together. I still have my Wireplay T-Shirt with 'Wire Me Up' on the back and another that had my tag printed on the back. I was with [SEX] at the time which I just joined and didn't want that printed on the back, so I looked clanless. :) Another highlight was listening to [SEX]Trendy and his mate singing 'Pretty Fly For A White Guy' while drunk.:D

I still play the odd fps occasionally, but it's amazing/depressing how the reflexes go. :)
I'm [TCS]Concrete from back in the WP days :)

Duke Nukem 3D > Quake WP > Quake Barrysworld > Tribes

Its weird but I really do reminisce about how different gaming communities were back then.
[KAT]Food (team leader, nearest), KIT[KAT] (white t-shirt). Guy in blue t-shirt was tech support, they had a busy weekend lol. [COG] clan in background.

Computer games, serious business

[COG] clan...(from left) Mist (grey t-shirt), Ares, Aphrodite (being shy at the front), Guardian and Pendragon (apologies if I have the name slightly mixed up, it was a long time ago!)

Loving all the CRT monitors :). Looks like a fun LAN party. I wish I had gone to some with my mates when I was younger. I feel a bit old to be going to them now and I don't really know anyone in the gaming scene any more anyway.
I used to have a load of pictures from I12 on my PC (will see if I can find them), and there is also a video of us on Sunrise TV.
Had a ton from some of the oxford CS lans aswell
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Meh Quake CTF was for noobs, Unreal Tournament CTF was where the real skill was at....:D:p;)

Jokes aside, remember :
-not having to level up
-not having ranked matches and getting raped
-actually having to learn some skill rather than call in an Apocalyptic Orbital Airstrike for free frags
-having access to everything from minute one
-actually having a game without some schoolkid whining about hackers all every minute
-being 3mm from a flag capture and getting insta-owned by a railgun! ggggrrrr :D

Oh those were the days!
[COG]Mist (furthest away) - I thought I'd seen some good players and then this guy just kicks everybody's arse easily...scary how good his aim was

[COG]Aphrodite - I taught her to duel...she eventually got a lot better than me lol, much disappoint xD

Holy thread revival! But it's because I just notice something in the background of this picture from I99...


...that's me on the left and my mate on the right. Rv[Hades] and Rv[Melkior] :)
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