Car floor mats...rubber or carpet?

Hate it being mismatched but I actually have carpet for the driver mat and rubber on the rest on my pickup - the heavy duty rubber ones it comes with annoyingly aren't great with work boots or the likes and prevents you moving your feet around completely freely when driving.

It is a bit harder to clean but I've never had too much problem and a fair bit of mud gets tracked in.
Why are you coming at me with logic.
Also, the carpets won't be pristine underneath. They'll have formed the pattern of the underside of the rubber mats :p
Why not just use the carpets and then buy new ones when they stop looking nice?
Coz rubber mats are better for muddy boots and sand. And biscuits, but heaven forbid the sprogs ever eat biscuits when I'm in the car :p
Get the genuine skoda ones, i had a couple of cheap rubber sets in my octavia that wore fast and moved under your feet, got the genuine ones now and they are way better fit, nice and heavy and no wear after nearly 2 years
I always buy a set of new OEM mats when I buy a used car if it needs them. I keep them clean and never had to replace a set yet but I only keep my cars for 3 years ish

Never had a problem cleaning carpet mats and I have two young kids, they look much nicer than rubber mats in my opinion
Can't put stripes on rubber, also rubber mats make the cabin smell like a tyre showroom :p
You're not maintaining your cabin properly if you get rotten curry smell out of your mats :D
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