Car Washing and Double Yellow Lines

Get your Mrs to drive up and down about 10 feet, then you can not be parked, and you won't have to do anything on the sides, just hold the sponge/pressure washer at varying levels.
The front and rear sections will be a little more interesting though!
Finally a sensible suggestion. I've just done it exactly this way. Cleaning the alloys was a bit tricky and I've lost most of my fingers but other than that its clean! :D
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I'm pretty sure there is a small grace window that once the warden see the car they wait to then issue the ticket.

Unless that is not the case for parking on double yellow?
I'm pretty sure there is a small grace window that once the warden see the car they wait to then issue the ticket.

Unless that is not the case for parking on double yellow?
That's for areas where waiting is allowed. e.g. a single yellow line with waiting restrictions. I don't think any waiting is allowed on a double yellow. Also, most (all?) parking vultures are now private companies contracted by the council. They work on commission and get bonuses for the number of tickets they issue. So they have a big incentive to attack their prey as soon as they can.
That's for areas where waiting is allowed. e.g. a single yellow line with waiting restrictions. I don't think any waiting is allowed on a double yellow. Also, most (all?) parking vultures are now private companies contracted by the council. They work on commission and get bonuses for the number of tickets they issue. So they have a big incentive to attack their prey as soon as they can.
As mentioned before the guys who have been coming down our street have been really good. Next time I see one I'm going to have a quick chat - can't hurt right?
Get your Mrs to drive up and down about 10 feet, then you can not be parked, and you won't have to do anything on the sides, just hold the sponge/pressure washer at varying levels.
The front and rear sections will be a little more interesting though!
Many years ago I was in the car with my mate while he picked up his mrs from work, she used to work in a shop so he'd parked around the back in one of the loading sort of areas.

Double yellows obviously, ticket guy turns up my mate spotted him and just started rolling the car backwards and forwards a foot or two at a time. Ticket warden just stood there laughing and shrugged his shoulders and wandered off :D
Many years ago I was in the car with my mate while he picked up his mrs from work, she used to work in a shop so he'd parked around the back in one of the loading sort of areas.

Double yellows obviously, ticket guy turns up my mate spotted him and just started rolling the car backwards and forwards a foot or two at a time. Ticket warden just stood there laughing and shrugged his shoulders and wandered off :D

Heh, I've had similar - stopped on some double reds for literally 10 seconds (parking bays 2m further down the road, but all full, no other moving vehicles in sight) while the other half jumped out of the car - was just pulling off when a warden knocked on the window and started having a go (he'd clearly seen me pull up, so knew I wasn't there long). Didn't get a ticket, but spent longer in conversation with him than the original stop ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Ironically, there's a car actually parked in the same place on streetview :p
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