Carling Weekend/Reading/Leeds

Managed to get through to the coach site but frankly I'm not paying that much. I really don't have the money when I might be able to get a ticket at HMV tommorow or off a mate later on.
Has anyone who managed to get tickets received a confirmation email yet? I know it said it could take up to 3 hours but it would just put my mind at rest that I filled in all the correct details - hope to hell I didn't put in the wrong email or something stupid like that!
I wonder if they decided to defer some tickets to later when they have sorted out their phone/internet systems. Under 45 seems rath quick to sell out all those tickets.
thor said:
Has anyone who managed to get tickets received a confirmation email yet? I know it said it could take up to 3 hours but it would just put my mind at rest that I filled in all the correct details - hope to hell I didn't put in the wrong email or something stupid like that!
Got 2 out of 3 - Weekend ticket and early entry passes. Just waiting for car park now.
Just been looking at these Weekend + Coach tickets.

They look like a pretty good plan B though I want to keep the ticket, ditch the coach travel and buy a car permit. Wish I could get through to the booking line to find out if the coach tickets are tied to actually travelling on a coach.
They usually 'find' some extra tickets a few weeks down the line, but there wont be many.

Last email arrived, so all confirmed. Bring it :cool:
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