Carper underlay - Cloud 9?

6 Jan 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ive got a couple of carpets to replace, is Cloud 9 underlay still the go to?

Could anyone recommend somewhere to buy it online? I know there are lots of fakes so a recommendation on where to buy would great thanks.
Depends what room IMO. I wouldn't use it on the stairs or high traffic areas for instance.

What properties do you want, underfoot comfort, sound absorption, thermal properties, carpet support.
Depends what room IMO. I wouldn't use it on the stairs or high traffic areas for instance.

What properties do you want, underfoot comfort, sound absorption, thermal properties, carpet support.

It’s for 2 bedrooms so comfort and sound absorption would be high on my list.
Great thanks, I wasn’t aware there was so many types and thicknesses. Any recommendations on what’s best for a bedroom? Think the last stuff I got was 9mm but happy to go with whatever is best for a bedroom.
Not really a case of best, the softer and thicker you go, technically the worse for the carpet. But comfier for bare feet.
I don't like ultra soft underlay. Prefer at least a medium firm and about 10mm.
For the stairs and halls I go with 8mm ultra firm.
Living room ultra firm and 10mm.
Bedrooms medium and 10mm.
What's wrong with thick underlay in a living room?
I suggest you read the thread, it's been answered.

It's a scale of comfort/softness Vs support/good for your carpet.
Obviously if you only use crap carpet use soft underlay, but if you use expensive carpet your not going to want to ruin it.
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I suggest you read the thread, it's been answered.

It's a scale of comfort/softness Vs support/good for your carpet.
Obviously if you only use crap carpet use soft underlay, but if you use expensive carpet your not going to want to ruin it.
I don't think it is, unless your saving you can't get firm thick underlay? I thought going thicker was always better for the life of the carpet, ours certainly feels comfier with thicker underlay. I can understand soft underlay causing issues with a carpet but it's firm I don't see the problem.
Holy thread revival Batman!

So looking to buy a load of underlay for two bedrooms and a living room. All will be carpeted pretty cheaply as they won’t be down more than 5 years due to refurbishment plans is cloud 9 still the go to? Anyone recommend a supplier? I need gripper as well is there a go to brand or is it all pretty much the same?
Holy thread revival Batman!

So looking to buy a load of underlay for two bedrooms and a living room. All will be carpeted pretty cheaply as they won’t be down more than 5 years due to refurbishment plans is cloud 9 still the go to? Anyone recommend a supplier? I need gripper as well is there a go to brand or is it all pretty much the same?

I'd still go for Cloud 9, the most recent batch I got was just from an eBay seller as they were the cheapest. I also got some grippers from eBay and it was about £30 to cover the whole house, they're all basically the same.
I'd still go for Cloud 9, the most recent batch I got was just from an eBay seller as they were the cheapest. I also got some grippers from eBay and it was about £30 to cover the whole house, they're all basically the same.
got a link to the seller?

Used these a few times :) Normally get the 11mm stuff

The place I was looking at getting the carpet wanted 1.50 per gripper and said I needed 80 of them for the new place
An entire box is like 35quid lol
They are like 1m lengths arent they?
Used them years ago for some Sonic Gold underlay for my engineered wood floor (also recommended from here) and had completely forgotten about them they seem to be well priced for Cloud 9 once VAT and delivery are added.

I don't really want to do the underlay and grippers myself as I have a million and one jobs to be getting on with but the price from carpet places are ridiculous we have had similar nonsense with gripper prices, sums it up when some offer 'free' fitting for your capret if you buy grippers and underlay from them!
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