Caselabs S8

Finally coming back to sorting this build out over the next few weeks. I had to rush and I ended up with a result I just wan't happy with.

With the 1080 coming out I'm using it as an opportunity to get the standard I want.

Few bits came so far...

Singularity res mount which will be replacing the crappy plastic ones that I've currently got. I'm also reworking the res setup so will be even easier to drain.



Replacing all of my Corsair SP fans with Noiseblocker Black Silent Pro's (900RPM). The quality of these fans is really high and the extra braided wires included are great. I may sleeve the wire running to the motor but we'll see how visible it is.


Currently waiting on my EVGA 1080 and block to come - may go SLI straight away so we'll see. Then I need to decide what I'm doing with my tubing and whether to bend the rigid tubing or do straight cuts.
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Please can you post some close ups of the loop design at:

1) Side rad showing connections to next parts in loop, and any through port details; and
2) A close up of the loop/links between the rear rads

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