Cash for favours?

The same thought crossed my mind.

Just wait for when they return and call you up at 3am to come and get them at the airport, after all they've already paid :D.

No good deed goes unpunished and all that.
Lol a similar event caused a rift in my gf's family some time ago. Think it was her dad's aunt or something who asked him for an early morning lift to the airport, which he grudgingly agreed to. Then a week later he got a rather snotty call wondering when he'd be at the airport to pick them up for the journey home (which he had never agreed to do). He was busy at the time and think she got a bit accusatory on the phone which he didn't like, so refused to come and get them.

They haven't seen each other since :cry:
Sounds like the dance that everyone does was completed successfully.

"Of course, don't worry about money, i'm happy to do it!"
*arrive at desination*
"Here's come cash for petrol"
"No no no no it's fine!"
*back and forth "no no no's"

Happens all the time, you've saved them a lot of expense and they want to show they appreciate it, refuse once, maybe twice, then accept gracefully.
Sounds like the dance that everyone does was completed successfully.

"Of course, don't worry about money, i'm happy to do it!"
*arrive at desination*
"Here's come cash for petrol"
"No no no no it's fine!"
*back and forth "no no no's"

Happens all the time, you've saved them a lot of expense and they want to show they appreciate it, refuse once, maybe twice, then accept gracefully.

Yea, this happens all the times with things. Assuming you've got a good relationship with them, I always think it will all balance out at some point. Same with buying rounds at the pub, I might buy more one night, somebody else buys more the week after. In the end the difference isn't worth arguing over. If they ever do anything similar for you, just repay them in a similar way.
Yea, this happens all the times with things. Assuming you've got a good relationship with them, I always think it will all balance out at some point. Same with buying rounds at the pub, I might buy more one night, somebody else buys more the week after. In the end the difference isn't worth arguing over. If they ever do anything similar for you, just repay them in a similar way.

Exactly, things usually balance out over a lifelong friendship.

However, I am a stickler for watching out for people who don't subscribe to the same philosophy, the sort of people who never buy a round, will ask to itemise the bill before splitting when everyone's had basically the same amount of food/drinks etc.

Only allow that to happen once or twice before they're on the list of "takers." :cry:
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