Cat n Fiddle run on the gixxer.

Looks like a very busy road to try and have a bit of fun on, makes me glad I live where I do. Some great roads in Devon with a lot less traffic.
I wish people like you had kept off the road tbh.

You're the exact reason we have the bloody SPECS in the first place.

Way to ruin it for the locals.
Not exactly one to preach but some very daft overtaking moves there fella. Fair enough, put yourself at risk if you want, but spare a thought for the poor sod you hit if you intend driving like such a div on public roads.

As mentioned, its overtaking moves and stunting like that that has casued all the problems the road now has. Its why they have stuck up the SPECS cameras, and not to mentione the reason farmers like to dump deisel on the corners (not for a while granted).

oh well, rant over. save it for the track. far more fun, no pot holes, cameras, cops or diesel. oh, not to mention the head on bloody traffic!.
You seem to have trouble understanding what a solid white line means, but thanks for wrecking my local road, what a total hero..........
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Not to worry. Sure you will get caught soon enough or worse.

Your riding is one of the reasons we have 'Specs' in the peak district now.

Big thanks for that!
cool vid mate, what cam you using?? , ive got a contour hd mounted but struggleing to convert it to good quality for you tube , without being a daft size to upload. what settings you using?

Why bother putting the SPECS cameras up if they don't have the 2 gates to trap you? pretty pointless putting 1 up.

As for overtaking on white lines, you can see for miles up the fiddle, every corner you can see the exit and any approaching cars.
they're still on youtube mate, search for lllN30lll

Mousemat, I've got my first ever trackday booked for Mallory on the 8th. Booked into Novice's.
Bet the few people here moaning have done some overtakes like that in their time ;) Stay safe, remember you can't enjoy it if you're in a wheel chair! Nice bike/vid!
wonder if this will go the same way as the last thread with stupid riding we had.

OP went crying onto his bike forum about what a set of **** heads we are, and of course, being bikers, were full of sympathy and assured him that riding like that made him a real man.
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