Caught Red Handed

11 Jul 2009
Anyone see it this morning? (bbc1)

three arsewipes stole a 2012 or 2013 triumph 675,was gone in about 2 minutes:eek:
they hotwired it in a few minutes,god knows how they did that

thought they had immobiliser built in?
yeah think they are pretty easy to nick :( I've got an almax series 4 locking my str up at work now.

before i put the chain on it someone tried to take it. Two guys on a scooter pulled up, one jumps off and tried to force the steering lock, when he failed he pulled out a screwdriver. The thing was the security guard was stood like 5 meters away looking the other way, when he turned around he tried to grab them but they made it away on the scooter. Road of the guards foot as well :o This is in a very public place with office workers straight through a window watching and 3 security cameras recording it. The police said it was a local group who had been trying it on in the area for months but the hadn't been able to catch them.
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^^^ that's it dan,same clip on caught red handed but edited down,i was shocked how quick they hotwired it,esp being a modern machine
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Thats why I don't ride nice shiny sports bikes anymore :) Can't be bothered with the worry ....if you turn your back its gone in london.

I was down the bike shop just the other day and was told guy had his brand new big bang R1 nicked from westfields shopping centre he only had 3rd party.
And dont' feel too safe with those almax chains as a few people on the London bikers forum had theirs nicked with those chains..Nothing to a cordless angle grinder.
I have the series 3 almax only use at home.
"So Never leave a bike at westfields its gone if you do. stupid securityas well there. Same thing happen few months ago with a brand new 848 evo ducati... but the guy searched around the estates near by and found it under a cover.
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three arsewipes stole a 2012 or 2013 triumph 675,was gone in about 2 minutes:eek:
Awfully long time.
Most thieves just lift it into a van - 8-15 seconds is the average.

they hotwired it in a few minutes,god knows how they did that. thought they had immobiliser built in?
You can bypass many immobilisers, if you know what you're doing. You essentially make the circuits that the devices break. Having seen immobs fail on moving bikes, I prefer to just have a really loud alarm and be ready to head outside heavily armed.
It took them a good 10 minutes to nick that bike, Still sucks but 2 minutes is not 10 minutes in my World.
It took them a good 10 minutes to nick that bike, Still sucks but 2 minutes is not 10 minutes in my World.


I empathise with the owner but wouldn't ever tuck my bike out of view like that and not lock it up and/or alarm it. Looks as though it was just the steering lock (lol) and that's it..
yeah that's because they edited the clip down to a few minutes on caught red handed programme,it was the first time I saw it

its longer on youtube but still they managed to hotwire a modern machine and steal it which is shocking

its still tricky to bypass immobiliser all the wires are black not colour coded
Manufactures of bikes need to pull there finger out regarding bike security imo. It is stuck in the dark ages. Granted there is nothing stopping them from lifting it apart from decent chain, but the steering lock is laughable in this day and age.
^ very true, working in a retail environment I know all too well how little thieves care about being caught, repeatably.
Only a month ago I had my little cbr125r5 robbed from outside my house. Took it in the 1hr window of my missus going to bed and me waking for my morning shift :/ Police still chasing the owner of the white transit seen in the area earlier (reg taken by a neighbor due to it being an unknown vehicle to the area and the 3 lads inside trying to go round to his lockups on private farm land).
Doubt Ill ever see it again... currently trying to get time off work to do DAS and get a big bike.
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