Cause of two flat tyres at rear

It's been driven on while flat after being knifed though. So the cut would have split further than the original knife damage.

The OP said that the car was showing as having 32PSI several hours after he last drove it, so I can't see how it has been driven flat? I suspect the photos that OP has taken are maybe after it has driven a very short distance onto the road/a recovery truck as the sidewall scuffs aren't anywhere near as bad as you'd get if you properly drove on a flat tyre.

Also, if the OP was driving a car with severely flat tyres in a Tesla - he would know about it. There would be all sort of dings and bongs going off to let him know he needs to stop!
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About 1mile of range per hour, so more than it should. The car wasn't designed for it so it keeps the car awake.

Still if you charge on Intelligent Octopus that's only 2p per hour.

Something to consider when you are out and about though I guess. Not sure why I just didn't think it would use much but it makes sense that it would do.
Something to consider when you are out and about though I guess. Not sure why I just didn't think it would use much but it makes sense that it would do.

It uses a fair amount and it's a turn on/off rather than anything more intelligent than that. We park on street at home and the headlights come on when activated which is a) annoying for us and neighbours b) attracts more attention of passers by and c) would go off every 5-10 minutes before midnight where we live, if not more frequent.

And if something happens then what? You have to watch 50 activation clips to find some barely identifiable teenager.

I only ever turn it on when charging in a weird place like a dodgy multistorey carpark, mainly for the notifications. Oh and dog mode :).
changing today ? - will you hold onto old ones for post-mortem eg. what does split look like inside.
guess you didn't contact insurance company/police, in case analysis suggests crime.
changing today ? - will you hold onto old ones for post-mortem eg. what does split look like inside.
guess you didn't contact insurance company/police, in case analysis suggests crime.
Police analysis... You've got to be kidding!

I'd be surprised if you even got a token gesture of them feigning interest for a potential vandalism of a vehicle.

It would be interesting to hear the verdict of the tyre fitter though.
I'd take the tyres to one of the main fitters for a pov - but presumably, with tyre in your hands you can look at any internal cords and see if they were cut, or had ripped.

Opportunity to report vandalism, well, if it was that, might be difficult @t+7days
Well, it just gets more confusing. Guy from ATS came to fit the tyres (via Blackcircle) and he started on the driver's side. He said 100% a knife, no hesitation. We then took the passenger side off and it's a small puncture on the tread. Almost 100% not a knife. He was just like "coincidence?". Who knows!


Looks to me like someone has taken a screwdriver to it then you've driven on it a bit.

EDIT: Though I'd imagine you'd have heard the air coming out and it would have been deflated within a few minutes.
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Yeah it was a thought but not sure. They were brand new 3 weeks ago. I've got another 2 coming for a mobile fitting on Weds and I'll ask the fitter what he thinks.

The front 2 were also replaced at the same time so...
When you say brand new did you check the manufacture date on the sidewall? You may have been unlucky enough to have received tyres that have been sitting on the shelf for a while.
Either way it's a pain in the a**. Could be a slow puncture in one side coupled with a knife in the other.
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